>_ Cliffhanger
Cliffhanger is a simple module here to help you create your own CLI with TypeScript.
TypeScript based
Easy to setup and use
Available plugins
Easy to test with unit or integration test
Create your own plugins easily
yarn add @cliffhanger/core
# OR
npm install @cliffhanger/core
$ my-command greet --name=john
> ✅ Hello john
import { Namespace } from "@cliffhange-hub/core"
import Cliffhanger from "@cliffhange-hub/core"
import { Plugins } from "@cliffhange-hub/core"
// Create a command, we call this a namespace
const greet: Namespace = {
name: "greet",
usage: 'greet --name="your name"',
description: "My super personal CLI",
plugins: [Plugins.help],
options: [
title: "name",
description: "Your name",
shorthand: ["n"],
defaultValue: "awesome developer"
run: ({ name }) => {
return Cliffhanger.log.success("Hello", name)
// Set your command in a a globale namespace
const CLI = {
name: "example",
description: "My super personal CLI",
expose: [greet],
plugins: [help],
run: () => {
return Cliffhanger.log.success("An awesome CLI created with Cliffhanger")
const [, , ...args] = process.argv
// Run !
Cliffhanger.execute.init(CLI, args
In progress
- [ ] Create a static website
- [ ] Create a Mardown documentation
- [ ] Improve TSDoc setup
- [x] Create example directory
- [x] Setup build
- [ ] What about using lerna to deploy multiples packages and plugins
- [ ] provide a way to install a CLI without npm
- [ ] Automatic Release to GitHub
- [ ] Automatic Release to GitHub Packages
- [ ] Automatic Release to NPM
- [ ] Automatic tag on merge on master
- [ ] Automatic beta on merge on next
- [x] Release first version to npm
- [x] Add jest testing
- [ ] Add test to examples to prevent breaking changes
- [x] Create a hook system
- [x] Improve Runners and accept more options (raw, hooks result etc..)
- [ ] Flags validator
- [ ] Imrove runner parameters
- from big objects to spread arguments
- [ ] Add the full asked command in raws
- [ ] Global flags
Plugins System
- [x] Add a global plugin to enhance every sub commands
- [ ] Generate api from Namespace to use it programatically (how to handle response ?)
- [ ] Automatically generate types too
Plugin Ideas
- [ ] Setup GitHub API
- [ ] With debug plugins
- [ ] Get Git context (via NodeGit)
- [ ] Get KubeCtl context
- [ ] Commander and interactive prompt plugin