This package provides a shareable ESLint configuration with rules for react, typescript, javascript, jest, and @testing-library.
This will enable jest
, react
, typescript
or @testing-library
rules if their respective dependency exists.
Install stuff:
npx install-peerdeps --dev @comparto/eslint-config
or if you wish this to be a common dependency in a yarn workspaces monorepo:
# -Y --yarn, -x --extra-args, -W --ignore-workspace-root-check npx install-peerdeps @comparto/eslint-config --dev -Y -x -W
"extends": "@comparto/eslint-config"
to your.eslintrc
yarn add -D @comparto/prettier-config
Add "prettier": "@comparto/prettier-config"
to your package.json
or any configuration of your choice.
Using webpack aliases?
This config uses eslint-import-resolver-webpack with a default setting of:
config: 'webpack.dev.config.js' # or {} if not found
This can be overridden exactly the same as the eslint-import-resolver-webpack configuration.
Using typescript?
This config uses some rules that require type information like naming-convention, so @typescript-eslint/parser
's parserOptions.project is set to "./tsconfig.json"
. Override this value if your tsconfig.json
is located somewhere else.