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It's a simple routing system that changes the viewport depending on the route given


To include this, type:

$ yarn add @conectate/ct-router
$ npm i @conectate/ct-router


Bind properties to templated elements in LitElement

You can insert JavaScript expressions as placeholders for HTML text content, attributes, Boolean attributes, properties, and event handlers.

  • Text content: <p>${...}</p>
  • Attribute: <p id="${...}"></p>
  • Boolean attribute: ?disabled="${...}"
  • Property: .value="${...}"
  • Event handler: @event="${...}"


Step 1

Add to your html`` (Litelement Template) like this:

<ct-router id="ctrouter" ?auth="${this.isLogged}" @login-needed="${this.loginNeeded}" @loading="${this.isLoading}" @location-changed="${this.pathChanged}"> </ct-router>

Step 2

Full LitElement example in Typescript

import "@conectate/ct-router";

import { CtLit, customElement, html, property, state } from "@conectate/ct-lit"; /* or 'lit' */
import { href } from "@conectate/ct-router";

class MyRouter extends CtLit {
	@property({ type: Boolean }) isLogged = false;
	@query("#ctrouter") $ctrouter!: HTMLElementTagNameMap["ct-router"];
  You can use lit-html @event bindings in your template inside the render function to add event listeners to your component.
  You can use lit-html '?' bindings in your template inside the render function to add boolean property.
	@state() private pages = [
			path: "/page1",
			element: html`<page-number1></page-number1>`, // you cand use html``
			from: () => import("./src/page-number1"),
			auth: false,
			title: () => `Page 1 • Example.com`
			path: "/profile",
			element: "<my-profile></my-profile>", // or you cand use a simple string
			from: () => import("./src/my-profile"),
			auth: true,
			title: () => `Profile • Example.com`
			path: "/404",
			element: html`<page-404></page-404>`,
			from: () => import("./src/page-404"),
			auth: false,
			title: () => null

	render() {
		return html` <ct-router

	firstUpdated(_changedProperties: Map<string, any>) {
		// set if user is not isAnonymous
		this.isLogged = true; // !firebase.auth().currentUser.isAnonymous

	/* =================== (optional) DEBUG ROUTER =================== */
	/* You can view state of you web */
	printCurrentState() {
		// More details in interface LocationChanged
		console.log("Current patternMatched", this.$ctrouter.path);
		console.log("Current pathname", this.$ctrouter.pathname);
		console.log("Current queryParams", this.$ctrouter.queryParams);
		console.log("Current params", this.$ctrouter.params);
		console.log("is Logged?", this.$ctrouter.auth);

	loginNeeded(e: CustomEvent<{ path: string }>) {
		let path = e.detail.path;
		alert(`loginNeeded on: ${path}`);

	isLoading(e: CustomEvent<boolean>) {
		console.log("loading...", e.detail);

	pathChanged(e: CustomEvent<LocationChanged>) {
		console.log("path changed", location.href);
		console.log("patternMatched", this.$ctrouter.path, "==", e.detail.path);
		console.log("pathname", this.$ctrouter.pathname, "==", e.detail.pathname, "==", location.pathname);
		console.log(this.$ctrouter.queryParams, "==", e.detail.queryParams);
		console.log(this.$ctrouter.params, "==", e.detail.params);

interface LocationChanged {
	//patternMatched like a: /:profile/preferences
	path: string;
	// pathname like a: /herberthobregon/preferences
	pathname: string;
	// if path is /home?hello=word then queryParams is { hello : "world" }
	queryParams?: { [x: string]: string };
	// if href is /herberth/preference and path is /:username/preference then params is { username : "herberth" }
	params?: { [x: string]: string };

Example in React

Important! Disable HMR in your Dev server. I recommend use vitejs for best performance.

function App() {
	let pages: Page[] = [
			path: "/",
			renderRoot: root => ReactDOM.render(<MainApp />, root!),
			auth: false,
			title: () => `Page 1 • Example.com`
			path: "/page2",
			renderRoot: root => ReactDOM.render(<Page2 />, root!),
			auth: false,
			title: () => `Page 2 • Example.com`
			path: "/404",
			renderRoot: root => ReactDOM.render(<Page404 />, root!),
			auth: false,
			title: () => `404 Not Found • Example.com`
	const router = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
	useEffect(() => {
		const ctrouter = router.current;
		// ctrouter.addEventListener('login-needed',this.loginNeeded);
		// ctrouter.addEventListener('loading',this.isLoading);
		// ctrouter.addEventListener('location-changed',this.pathChanged);
	return (
			<header>My App</header>
			<CtRouter ref={router} pages={pages} unmountComponentAtNode={root => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(root)}></CtRouter>

export default App;

If you plan to manage the dynamic imports, skip from attr

this.$ctrouter.pages = [
    path: "/page1",
    element: html`<page-number1></page-number1>`,
    from: () => null,
    auth: false,
    title: () => `Page 1 • Example.com`

Dinamic Routing

You can use :id to varible path and * for any path or your own regexp

  path: "/page/:id",
  element: html`<page-number1></page-number1>`,
  from: () => null,
  auth: false,
  title: () => `Page 1 • Example.com`


  path: "/register/:page?",
  // in this regexp use /(group 1)/(group 2)
  regex : /^\/(register|registro)\/([^\/]+)(?:\/)?$/i,
  groups : ['_group1','page'],
  element: html`<login-register></login-register>`,
  from: () => import("./src/login-register"),
  auth: null,
  title: () => `${window.register} • Example.com`


There are pages that only a user with session started can see. for this it passes a Boolean parameter to auth of ct-router


Add beforeunload listener example

The beforeunload event is fired when the location has changed, The document and its resources are about to be unloaded. The document is still visible and the event is still cancelable at this point.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This listener mimics the behavior of window.onbeforeunload but is not the same. If you need to know if it reloads the page or if you are exiting your web page, use the window.onbeforeunload method.

import {CtLit, html, property, customElement, internalProperty } from 'lit'; /* or 'lit' */
import { showCtConfirm } from '@conectate/ct-dialog/ct-confirm';
import '@conectate/ct-router';

class MyRouter extends LitElement{
  listenerID = 0;

    return html`...`
  firstUpdated(_changedProperties: Map<string, any>) {
    // get data from server
    // ...

    this.listenerID = window.ctrouter?.on('beforeunload', async () => {
      let rsp:boolean = await showCtConfirm('Reload site?', 'Changes you made may not be saved.', "Reload" , "Stay", undefined, { history: false });
      if (rsp) window.ctrouter.deleteListener(this.listenerID);
      return rsp;

    // To-Do Save info

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  • herberthobregon