
2.0.1 • Public • Published



DigitalCX's ready-to-go integration between DigitalCX and Facebook's messenger platform. This project requires you to set up an application on Facebook's Messenger platform. This project provides you with the webhook logic that you can expose on top of your pre-existing Express.js server.


Facebook Messenger Pre-requirements To start using the Facebook Messenger Integration (FMI) we have some requirements:

This module gets its content from a database (DigitalCX), so before you can proceed with anything, you’ll need to have a database created and published. Only then you can get the following information to connect to the right database:

  • Customer Key
  • Project Key
  • Api Key
  • Culture

In order to connect the FMI module to Facebook Messenger, you need to set up a project on Facebook. You can read all about it in their documentation.

To use the FMI node module you need to have a pre-existing Express server. This module is used as a middleware inside your Express server to make the communication between DigitalCX database and Facebook Messenger possible. The module provides webhook logic that you can expose on top of your Express server.

Getting Started

This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Before installing, download and install Node.js. This module was developed using Node.js v10.15.3.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm i @cxco/facebook-messenger

This module has been set up using Facebook Messenger's Node.js Getting Started guide.

Using the package

@cxco/facebook-messenger is a Express.js middleware function. Use it as such, passing in the necessary configuration options.

const express = require('express')
const messenger = require('@cxco/facebook-messenger')
// session tracking middleware (See Session Tracking section):
const middleware = require('./middleware')
const bodyParser =  require('body-parser'),

const app = express()



app.use('/messenger', messenger({
    project: {
        apiKey: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
        customerKey: 'customerKey',
        projectKey: 'projectKey',
        culture: 'culture',
        context: [{ 'Implementation': 'FbMessenger' }]
    messenger: {
        webhookVerificationToken: 'verification token',
        pageAccessToken: 'Facebook generated page access token'
    messages: {
        noResponse: 'No response from DigitalCX',
        applicationError: 'Something went wrong! Please contact support'
    express: {
        dcxSession: 'locals.session'



The DigitalCX Facebook Messenger integration offers a number of configuration options, some of them required and some of them optional. All configuration options need to be passed along wrapped in a single object and presented as the first parameter:

Global Options

Parameter Name Type Description Required Example
project object An object containing the information required to connect and authenticate your application with and to the DigitalCX engine. See "project options" yes {
   "apiKey":"api key",,
messenger object An object containing the facebook tokens and settings required by the @cxco/facebook-messenger library. yes {
messages object An object containing the two possible (error) messages that can originate within the @cxco/facebook-messenger library. These error messages will be directly passed over to the caller whenever one such error occurs. yes {
express object An object that defines where the session is stored inside the request object. This package will use a variable in the request to keep track of the session. See section Session for more details. yes {dcxSession: 'locals.session'}

Project Options

Parameter Name Type Description Required Example
apiKey string The given API Key yes "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
context Object[] Dimension to send in requests to DigitalCX no [{ 'Implementation': 'FbMessenger' }]
culture string Language country code yes "en"
customerKey string The given customer key yes "customerA"
env string specifies which base url to use. Defaults to the production URL no "https://proxy.domain.com/customerA/projects/projectB"
projectKey string The given project key yes "projectB"


Once running, @cxco/facebook-messenger will expose the a '/webhook' endpoint. If you configure the middleware to be executed on a specific route then the routes will be nested.


// middleware executes in '/messenger' route
app.use('/messenger', messenger(config))

Then the middleware route will be: 'https://<your-express-server>/messenger/webhook'.

Session tracking

DigitalCX uses Session Properties to persist state on the session and keep state for values between different interactions, which becomes apparent for Dialogs where the previous and current Interaction are strongly tied together.

In the Facebook Messenger integration, the server running it needs to keep track of that session but because it receives request from several users it must keep a reference between "Facebook User" and the DCX Session.

There are many ways implement such a storage. As an example just for testing purposes, we used an in-memory database called "Lokijs". In the example below we use a database to store and write the necessary variables into the request object. Our middleware will later use this variable to read/write the DCX session variables.

// middleware.js
const loki = require('lokijs')
module.exports = function() {

   var db = new loki('database.json',{
       verbose: true,
       autosave: true,
       autosaveInterval: 4000

   var sessions = db.addCollection('sessions', { autoupdate: true })

    return function (req, res, next) {
        const { entry } = req.body
        // sender information from Facebook payload
        const { sender } = entry[0].messaging[0]
        // initialize locals object
        req.locals = req.locals || {}

        const currentSession = findSession(sessions, sender.id)

        if(currentSession) {
            req.locals.session = currentSession
        } else {
            addSession(sessions, sender.id)
            req.locals.session = findSession(sessions, sender.id)


function findSession(collection, _sessionId) {

    return collection.findOne({ sessionId: _sessionId });

function addSession(collection, _sessionId) {
    collection.insert({ sessionId: _sessionId });


  • Hooks into any Express.js server as Express middleware.
  • Offers full support for Q&A's, events, dialogs and transactional dialogs.
  • Each instance can be configured to integrate with a single customer-project-culture combination.
  • Multiple instances can easily be created

Build and Test

To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

npm i
npm test




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npm i @cxco/facebook-messenger

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  • bo.strijker
  • cx-company
  • remcodevries