DashQart JS Plugin
There are two ways to integrate the DashQart button
<script src=" Include the JS pluginhttps://js.dashqart.co/v1/dashqart.min.js"></script>
Declarative way
shipping-countries="['US', 'SG', 'PH']"
products='[{"id": "PROD-0001", "sku": "PRD-01", "name": "Product Name", "image": "https://image.com", "quantity": 1, "amount": 100, "variant": {"color": "red"}}]'>
Programmatic way
Install plugin
yarn add @dashqart/js-plugin
import DashQart from '@dashqart/js-plugin';
const dq = DashQart();
const cart = await dq.checkout({
merchantId: 'your-merchant-uuid-here',
currency: "sgd",
livemode: true,
cartItems: [
"id": "1",
"name": "sample",
"sku": "1",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 10
metadata: {}
await cart.open();
Listen to events
window.addEventListener('dashqartOnFinishOrder', function () {
alert('order finished):
Working on the iframe popup design
- Make changes in the src/ files then run yarn build -- this will create a dist folder
- cd dist/ then run python3 -m http.server 8000
- cd sample then run python3 -m http.server 8080
- Open chrome and access localhost:8080, you'll see a checkout button. Click it to simulate the checkout flow