
3.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for Azure Media Services

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/azure_mediaservices_encoding
let azure_mediaservices_encoding = require('@datafire/azure_mediaservices_encoding').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {


This Swagger was generated by the API Framework.



Lists the Transforms in the account.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.
    • $filter string: Restricts the set of items returned.
    • $orderby string: Specifies the key by which the result collection should be ordered.



Deletes a Transform.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.


Output schema unknown


Gets a Transform.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Updates a Transform.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "parameters": {},
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • parameters required Transform
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Creates or updates a new Transform.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "parameters": {},
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • parameters required Transform
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Lists all of the Jobs for the Transform.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.
    • $filter string: Restricts the set of items returned.
    • $orderby string: Specifies the by which the result collection should be ordered.



Deletes a Job.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • jobName required string: The Job name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.


Output schema unknown


Gets a Job.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • jobName required string: The Job name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Update is only supported for description and priority. Updating Priority will take effect when the Job state is Queued or Scheduled and depending on the timing the priority update may be ignored.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "parameters": {},
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • jobName required string: The Job name.
    • parameters required Job
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Creates a Job.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "parameters": {},
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • jobName required string: The Job name.
    • parameters required Job
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.



Cancel a Job.

  "subscriptionId": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "accountName": "",
  "transformName": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • subscriptionId required string: The unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.
    • accountName required string: The Media Services account name.
    • transformName required string: The Transform name.
    • jobName required string: The Job name.
    • api-version required string: The Version of the API to be used with the client request.


Output schema unknown



  • AacAudio object: Describes Advanced Audio Codec (AAC) audio encoding settings.
    • profile string (values: AacLc, HeAacV1, HeAacV2): The encoding profile to be used when encoding audio with AAC.
    • bitrate integer: The bitrate, in bits per second, of the output encoded audio.
    • channels integer: The number of channels in the audio.
    • samplingRate integer: The sampling rate to use for encoding in hertz.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • AbsoluteClipTime object: Specifies the clip time as an absolute time position in the media file. The absolute time can point to a different position depending on whether the media file starts from a timestamp of zero or not.
    • time required string: The time position on the timeline of the input media. It is usually specified as an ISO8601 period. e.g PT30S for 30 seconds.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • ApiError object: The API error.


  • Audio object: Defines the common properties for all audio codecs.
    • bitrate integer: The bitrate, in bits per second, of the output encoded audio.
    • channels integer: The number of channels in the audio.
    • samplingRate integer: The sampling rate to use for encoding in hertz.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • AudioAnalyzerPreset object: The Audio Analyzer preset applies a pre-defined set of AI-based analysis operations, including speech transcription. Currently, the preset supports processing of content with a single audio track.
    • audioLanguage string: The language for the audio payload in the input using the BCP-47 format of 'language tag-region' (e.g: 'en-US'). The list of supported languages are English ('en-US' and 'en-GB'), Spanish ('es-ES' and 'es-MX'), French ('fr-FR'), Italian ('it-IT'), Japanese ('ja-JP'), Portuguese ('pt-BR'), Chinese ('zh-CN'), German ('de-DE'), Arabic ('ar-EG' and 'ar-SY'), Russian ('ru-RU'), Hindi ('hi-IN'), and Korean ('ko-KR'). If you know the language of your content, it is recommended that you specify it. If the language isn't specified or set to null, automatic language detection will choose the first language detected and process with the selected language for the duration of the file. This language detection feature currently supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. It does not currently support dynamically switching between languages after the first language is detected. The automatic detection works best with audio recordings with clearly discernable speech. If automatic detection fails to find the language, transcription would fallback to 'en-US'."
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • AudioOverlay object: Describes the properties of an audio overlay.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • audioGainLevel number: The gain level of audio in the overlay. The value should be in the range [0, 1.0]. The default is 1.0.
    • end string: The position in the input video at which the overlay ends. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. For example, PT30S to end the overlay at 30 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay will be applied until the end of the input video if inputLoop is true. Else, if inputLoop is false, then overlay will last as long as the duration of the overlay media.
    • fadeInDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades in onto the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade in (same as PT0S).
    • fadeOutDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades out of the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade out (same as PT0S).
    • inputLabel required string: The label of the job input which is to be used as an overlay. The Input must specify exactly one file. You can specify an image file in JPG or PNG formats, or an audio file (such as a WAV, MP3, WMA or M4A file), or a video file. See https://aka.ms/mesformats for the complete list of supported audio and video file formats.
    • start string: The start position, with reference to the input video, at which the overlay starts. The value should be in ISO 8601 format. For example, PT05S to start the overlay at 5 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay starts from the beginning of the input video.


  • BuiltInStandardEncoderPreset object: Describes a built-in preset for encoding the input video with the Standard Encoder.
    • presetName required string (values: H264SingleBitrateSD, H264SingleBitrate720p, H264SingleBitrate1080p, AdaptiveStreaming, AACGoodQualityAudio, ContentAwareEncodingExperimental, H264MultipleBitrate1080p, H264MultipleBitrate720p, H264MultipleBitrateSD): The built-in preset to be used for encoding videos.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • ClipTime object: Base class for specifying a clip time. Use sub classes of this class to specify the time position in the media.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • Codec object: Describes the basic properties of all codecs.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • CopyAudio object: A codec flag, which tells the encoder to copy the input audio bitstream.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • CopyVideo object: A codec flag, which tells the encoder to copy the input video bitstream without re-encoding.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • Deinterlace object: Describes the de-interlacing settings.
    • mode string (values: Off, AutoPixelAdaptive): The deinterlacing mode. Defaults to AutoPixelAdaptive.
    • parity string (values: Auto, TopFieldFirst, BottomFieldFirst): The field parity for de-interlacing, defaults to Auto.


  • FaceDetectorPreset object: Describes all the settings to be used when analyzing a video in order to detect all the faces present.
    • resolution string (values: SourceResolution, StandardDefinition): Specifies the maximum resolution at which your video is analyzed. The default behavior is "SourceResolution," which will keep the input video at its original resolution when analyzed. Using "StandardDefinition" will resize input videos to standard definition while preserving the appropriate aspect ratio. It will only resize if the video is of higher resolution. For example, a 1920x1080 input would be scaled to 640x360 before processing. Switching to "StandardDefinition" will reduce the time it takes to process high resolution video. It may also reduce the cost of using this component (see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/media-services/#analytics for details). However, faces that end up being too small in the resized video may not be detected.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • Filters object: Describes all the filtering operations, such as de-interlacing, rotation etc. that are to be applied to the input media before encoding.
    • crop Rectangle
    • deinterlace Deinterlace
    • overlays array: The properties of overlays to be applied to the input video. These could be audio, image or video overlays.
    • rotation string (values: Auto, None, Rotate0, Rotate90, Rotate180, Rotate270): The rotation, if any, to be applied to the input video, before it is encoded. Default is Auto


  • Format object: Base class for output.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • H264Layer object: Describes the settings to be used when encoding the input video into a desired output bitrate layer with the H.264 video codec.
    • bufferWindow string: The VBV buffer window length. The value should be in ISO 8601 format. The value should be in the range [0.1-100] seconds. The default is 5 seconds (for example, PT5S).
    • entropyMode string (values: Cabac, Cavlc): The entropy mode to be used for this layer. If not specified, the encoder chooses the mode that is appropriate for the profile and level.
    • level string: We currently support Level up to 6.2. The value can be Auto, or a number that matches the H.264 profile. If not specified, the default is Auto, which lets the encoder choose the Level that is appropriate for this layer.
    • profile string (values: Auto, Baseline, Main, High, High422, High444): We currently support Baseline, Main, High, High422, High444. Default is Auto.
    • referenceFrames integer: The number of reference frames to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, the encoder determines an appropriate number based on the encoder complexity setting.
    • adaptiveBFrame boolean: Whether or not adaptive B-frames are to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, the encoder will turn it on whenever the video profile permits its use.
    • bFrames integer: The number of B-frames to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, the encoder chooses an appropriate number based on the video profile and level.
    • bitrate required integer: The average bitrate in bits per second at which to encode the input video when generating this layer. This is a required field.
    • frameRate string: The frame rate (in frames per second) at which to encode this layer. The value can be in the form of M/N where M and N are integers (For example, 30000/1001), or in the form of a number (For example, 30, or 29.97). The encoder enforces constraints on allowed frame rates based on the profile and level. If it is not specified, the encoder will use the same frame rate as the input video.
    • maxBitrate integer: The maximum bitrate (in bits per second), at which the VBV buffer should be assumed to refill. If not specified, defaults to the same value as bitrate.
    • slices integer: The number of slices to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, default is zero, which means that encoder will use a single slice for each frame.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • height string: The height of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in height as the input.
    • label string: The alphanumeric label for this layer, which can be used in multiplexing different video and audio layers, or in naming the output file.
    • width string: The width of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in width as the input.


  • H264Video object: Describes all the properties for encoding a video with the H.264 codec.
    • complexity string (values: Speed, Balanced, Quality): Tells the encoder how to choose its encoding settings. The default value is Balanced.
    • layers array: The collection of output H.264 layers to be produced by the encoder.
    • sceneChangeDetection boolean: Whether or not the encoder should insert key frames at scene changes. If not specified, the default is false. This flag should be set to true only when the encoder is being configured to produce a single output video.
    • keyFrameInterval string: The distance between two key frames, thereby defining a group of pictures (GOP). The value should be a non-zero integer in the range [1, 30] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds (PT2S).
    • stretchMode string (values: None, AutoSize, AutoFit): The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • Image object: Describes the basic properties for generating thumbnails from the input video
    • range string: The position in the input video at which to stop generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT5M30S to stop at 5 minutes and 30 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 300 to stop at the 300th frame), or a relative value (For example, 100%).
    • start required string: The position in the input video from where to start generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S), or a frame count (For example, 10 for the 10th frame), or a relative value (For example, 1%). Also supports a macro {Best}, which tells the encoder to select the best thumbnail from the first few seconds of the video.
    • step string: The intervals at which thumbnails are generated. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S for one image every 5 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 30 for every 30 frames), or a relative value (For example, 1%).
    • keyFrameInterval string: The distance between two key frames, thereby defining a group of pictures (GOP). The value should be a non-zero integer in the range [1, 30] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds (PT2S).
    • stretchMode string (values: None, AutoSize, AutoFit): The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • ImageFormat object: Describes the properties for an output image file.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • Job object: A Job resource type. The progress and state can be obtained by polling a Job or subscribing to events using EventGrid.
    • properties JobProperties
    • id string: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource.
    • name string: The name of the resource.
    • type string: The type of the resource.


  • JobCollection object: A collection of Job items.
    • @odata.nextLink string: A link to the next page of the collection (when the collection contains too many results to return in one response).
    • value array: A collection of Job items.


  • JobError object: Details of JobOutput errors.
    • category string (values: Service, Download, Upload, Configuration, Content): Helps with categorization of errors.
    • code string (values: ServiceError, ServiceTransientError, DownloadNotAccessible, DownloadTransientError, UploadNotAccessible, UploadTransientError, ConfigurationUnsupported, ContentMalformed, ContentUnsupported): Error code describing the error.
    • details array: An array of details about specific errors that led to this reported error.
    • message string: A human-readable language-dependent representation of the error.
    • retry string (values: DoNotRetry, MayRetry): Indicates that it may be possible to retry the Job. If retry is unsuccessful, please contact Azure support via Azure Portal.


  • JobErrorDetail object: Details of JobOutput errors.
    • code string: Code describing the error detail.
    • message string: A human-readable representation of the error.


  • JobInput object: Base class for inputs to a Job.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • JobInputAsset object: Represents an Asset for input into a Job.
    • assetName required string: The name of the input Asset.
    • end ClipTime
    • files array: List of files. Required for JobInputHttp. Maximum of 4000 characters each.
      • items string
    • label string: A label that is assigned to a JobInputClip, that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform. For example, a Transform can be authored so as to take an image file with the label 'xyz' and apply it as an overlay onto the input video before it is encoded. When submitting a Job, exactly one of the JobInputs should be the image file, and it should have the label 'xyz'.
    • start ClipTime
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • JobInputClip object: Represents input files for a Job.
    • end ClipTime
    • files array: List of files. Required for JobInputHttp. Maximum of 4000 characters each.
      • items string
    • label string: A label that is assigned to a JobInputClip, that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform. For example, a Transform can be authored so as to take an image file with the label 'xyz' and apply it as an overlay onto the input video before it is encoded. When submitting a Job, exactly one of the JobInputs should be the image file, and it should have the label 'xyz'.
    • start ClipTime
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • JobInputHttp object: Represents HTTPS job input.
    • baseUri string: Base URI for HTTPS job input. It will be concatenated with provided file names. If no base uri is given, then the provided file list is assumed to be fully qualified uris. Maximum length of 4000 characters.
    • end ClipTime
    • files array: List of files. Required for JobInputHttp. Maximum of 4000 characters each.
      • items string
    • label string: A label that is assigned to a JobInputClip, that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform. For example, a Transform can be authored so as to take an image file with the label 'xyz' and apply it as an overlay onto the input video before it is encoded. When submitting a Job, exactly one of the JobInputs should be the image file, and it should have the label 'xyz'.
    • start ClipTime
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • JobInputs object: Describes a list of inputs to a Job.
    • inputs array: List of inputs to a Job.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • JobOutput object: Describes all the properties of a JobOutput.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • error JobError
    • label string: A label that is assigned to a JobOutput in order to help uniquely identify it. This is useful when your Transform has more than one TransformOutput, whereby your Job has more than one JobOutput. In such cases, when you submit the Job, you will add two or more JobOutputs, in the same order as TransformOutputs in the Transform. Subsequently, when you retrieve the Job, either through events or on a GET request, you can use the label to easily identify the JobOutput. If a label is not provided, a default value of '{presetName}_{outputIndex}' will be used, where the preset name is the name of the preset in the corresponding TransformOutput and the output index is the relative index of the this JobOutput within the Job. Note that this index is the same as the relative index of the corresponding TransformOutput within its Transform.
    • progress integer: If the JobOutput is in a Processing state, this contains the Job completion percentage. The value is an estimate and not intended to be used to predict Job completion times. To determine if the JobOutput is complete, use the State property.
    • state string (values: Canceled, Canceling, Error, Finished, Processing, Queued, Scheduled): Describes the state of the JobOutput.


  • JobOutputAsset object: Represents an Asset used as a JobOutput.
    • assetName required string: The name of the output Asset.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • error JobError
    • label string: A label that is assigned to a JobOutput in order to help uniquely identify it. This is useful when your Transform has more than one TransformOutput, whereby your Job has more than one JobOutput. In such cases, when you submit the Job, you will add two or more JobOutputs, in the same order as TransformOutputs in the Transform. Subsequently, when you retrieve the Job, either through events or on a GET request, you can use the label to easily identify the JobOutput. If a label is not provided, a default value of '{presetName}_{outputIndex}' will be used, where the preset name is the name of the preset in the corresponding TransformOutput and the output index is the relative index of the this JobOutput within the Job. Note that this index is the same as the relative index of the corresponding TransformOutput within its Transform.
    • progress integer: If the JobOutput is in a Processing state, this contains the Job completion percentage. The value is an estimate and not intended to be used to predict Job completion times. To determine if the JobOutput is complete, use the State property.
    • state string (values: Canceled, Canceling, Error, Finished, Processing, Queued, Scheduled): Describes the state of the JobOutput.


  • JobProperties object: Properties of the Job.
    • correlationData object: Customer provided key, value pairs that will be returned in Job and JobOutput state events.
    • created string: The UTC date and time when the Job was created, in 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format.
    • description string: Optional customer supplied description of the Job.
    • input required JobInput
    • lastModified string: The UTC date and time when the Job was last updated, in 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format.
    • outputs required array: The outputs for the Job.
    • priority string (values: Low, Normal, High): Priority with which the job should be processed. Higher priority jobs are processed before lower priority jobs. If not set, the default is normal.
    • state string (values: Canceled, Canceling, Error, Finished, Processing, Queued, Scheduled): The current state of the job.


  • JpgFormat object: Describes the settings for producing JPEG thumbnails.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • JpgImage object: Describes the properties for producing a series of JPEG images from the input video.
    • layers array: A collection of output JPEG image layers to be produced by the encoder.
    • range string: The position in the input video at which to stop generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT5M30S to stop at 5 minutes and 30 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 300 to stop at the 300th frame), or a relative value (For example, 100%).
    • start required string: The position in the input video from where to start generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S), or a frame count (For example, 10 for the 10th frame), or a relative value (For example, 1%). Also supports a macro {Best}, which tells the encoder to select the best thumbnail from the first few seconds of the video.
    • step string: The intervals at which thumbnails are generated. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S for one image every 5 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 30 for every 30 frames), or a relative value (For example, 1%).
    • keyFrameInterval string: The distance between two key frames, thereby defining a group of pictures (GOP). The value should be a non-zero integer in the range [1, 30] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds (PT2S).
    • stretchMode string (values: None, AutoSize, AutoFit): The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • JpgLayer object: Describes the settings to produce a JPEG image from the input video.
    • quality integer: The compression quality of the JPEG output. Range is from 0-100 and the default is 70.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • height string: The height of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in height as the input.
    • label string: The alphanumeric label for this layer, which can be used in multiplexing different video and audio layers, or in naming the output file.
    • width string: The width of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in width as the input.


  • Layer object: The encoder can be configured to produce video and/or images (thumbnails) at different resolutions, by specifying a layer for each desired resolution. A layer represents the properties for the video or image at a resolution.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • height string: The height of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in height as the input.
    • label string: The alphanumeric label for this layer, which can be used in multiplexing different video and audio layers, or in naming the output file.
    • width string: The width of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in width as the input.


  • Mp4Format object: Describes the properties for an output ISO MP4 file.
    • outputFiles array: The list of output files to produce. Each entry in the list is a set of audio and video layer labels to be muxed together .
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • MultiBitrateFormat object: Describes the properties for producing a collection of GOP aligned multi-bitrate files. The default behavior is to produce one output file for each video layer which is muxed together with all the audios. The exact output files produced can be controlled by specifying the outputFiles collection.
    • outputFiles array: The list of output files to produce. Each entry in the list is a set of audio and video layer labels to be muxed together .
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • ODataError object: Information about an error.
    • code string: A language-independent error name.
    • details array: The error details.
    • message string: The error message.
    • target string: The target of the error (for example, the name of the property in error).


  • OutputFile object: Represents an output file produced.
    • labels required array: The list of labels that describe how the encoder should multiplex video and audio into an output file. For example, if the encoder is producing two video layers with labels v1 and v2, and one audio layer with label a1, then an array like '[v1, a1]' tells the encoder to produce an output file with the video track represented by v1 and the audio track represented by a1.
      • items string


  • Overlay object: Base type for all overlays - image, audio or video.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • audioGainLevel number: The gain level of audio in the overlay. The value should be in the range [0, 1.0]. The default is 1.0.
    • end string: The position in the input video at which the overlay ends. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. For example, PT30S to end the overlay at 30 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay will be applied until the end of the input video if inputLoop is true. Else, if inputLoop is false, then overlay will last as long as the duration of the overlay media.
    • fadeInDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades in onto the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade in (same as PT0S).
    • fadeOutDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades out of the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade out (same as PT0S).
    • inputLabel required string: The label of the job input which is to be used as an overlay. The Input must specify exactly one file. You can specify an image file in JPG or PNG formats, or an audio file (such as a WAV, MP3, WMA or M4A file), or a video file. See https://aka.ms/mesformats for the complete list of supported audio and video file formats.
    • start string: The start position, with reference to the input video, at which the overlay starts. The value should be in ISO 8601 format. For example, PT05S to start the overlay at 5 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay starts from the beginning of the input video.


  • PngFormat object: Describes the settings for producing PNG thumbnails.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • PngImage object: Describes the properties for producing a series of PNG images from the input video.
    • layers array: A collection of output PNG image layers to be produced by the encoder.
    • range string: The position in the input video at which to stop generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT5M30S to stop at 5 minutes and 30 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 300 to stop at the 300th frame), or a relative value (For example, 100%).
    • start required string: The position in the input video from where to start generating thumbnails. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S), or a frame count (For example, 10 for the 10th frame), or a relative value (For example, 1%). Also supports a macro {Best}, which tells the encoder to select the best thumbnail from the first few seconds of the video.
    • step string: The intervals at which thumbnails are generated. The value can be in absolute timestamp (ISO 8601, e.g: PT05S for one image every 5 seconds), or a frame count (For example, 30 for every 30 frames), or a relative value (For example, 1%).
    • keyFrameInterval string: The distance between two key frames, thereby defining a group of pictures (GOP). The value should be a non-zero integer in the range [1, 30] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds (PT2S).
    • stretchMode string (values: None, AutoSize, AutoFit): The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • PngLayer object: Describes the settings to produce a PNG image from the input video.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • height string: The height of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in height as the input.
    • label string: The alphanumeric label for this layer, which can be used in multiplexing different video and audio layers, or in naming the output file.
    • width string: The width of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in width as the input.


  • Preset object: Base type for all Presets, which define the recipe or instructions on how the input media files should be processed.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • Rectangle object: Describes the properties of a rectangular window applied to the input media before processing it.
    • height string: The height of the rectangular region in pixels. This can be absolute pixel value (e.g 100), or relative to the size of the video (For example, 50%).
    • left string: The number of pixels from the left-margin. This can be absolute pixel value (e.g 100), or relative to the size of the video (For example, 50%).
    • top string: The number of pixels from the top-margin. This can be absolute pixel value (e.g 100), or relative to the size of the video (For example, 50%).
    • width string: The width of the rectangular region in pixels. This can be absolute pixel value (e.g 100), or relative to the size of the video (For example, 50%).


  • StandardEncoderPreset object: Describes all the settings to be used when encoding the input video with the Standard Encoder.
    • codecs required array: The list of codecs to be used when encoding the input video.
    • filters Filters
    • formats required array: The list of outputs to be produced by the encoder.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • Transform object: A Transform encapsulates the rules or instructions for generating desired outputs from input media, such as by transcoding or by extracting insights. After the Transform is created, it can be applied to input media by creating Jobs.
    • properties TransformProperties
    • id string: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource.
    • name string: The name of the resource.
    • type string: The type of the resource.


  • TransformCollection object: A collection of Transform items.
    • @odata.nextLink string: A link to the next page of the collection (when the collection contains too many results to return in one response).
    • value array: A collection of Transform items.


  • TransformOutput object: Describes the properties of a TransformOutput, which are the rules to be applied while generating the desired output.
    • onError string (values: StopProcessingJob, ContinueJob): A Transform can define more than one outputs. This property defines what the service should do when one output fails - either continue to produce other outputs, or, stop the other outputs. The overall Job state will not reflect failures of outputs that are specified with 'ContinueJob'. The default is 'StopProcessingJob'.
    • preset required Preset
    • relativePriority string (values: Low, Normal, High): Sets the relative priority of the TransformOutputs within a Transform. This sets the priority that the service uses for processing TransformOutputs. The default priority is Normal.


  • TransformProperties object: A Transform.
    • created string: The UTC date and time when the Transform was created, in 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format.
    • description string: An optional verbose description of the Transform.
    • lastModified string: The UTC date and time when the Transform was last updated, in 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format.
    • outputs required array: An array of one or more TransformOutputs that the Transform should generate.


  • TransportStreamFormat object: Describes the properties for generating an MPEG-2 Transport Stream (ISO/IEC 13818-1) output video file(s).
    • outputFiles array: The list of output files to produce. Each entry in the list is a set of audio and video layer labels to be muxed together .
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • filenamePattern required string: The pattern of the file names for the generated output files. The following macros are supported in the file name: {Basename} - The base name of the input video {Extension} - The appropriate extension for this format. {Label} - The label assigned to the codec/layer. {Index} - A unique index for thumbnails. Only applicable to thumbnails. {Bitrate} - The audio/video bitrate. Not applicable to thumbnails. {Codec} - The type of the audio/video codec. Any unsubstituted macros will be collapsed and removed from the filename.


  • Video object: Describes the basic properties for encoding the input video.
    • keyFrameInterval string: The distance between two key frames, thereby defining a group of pictures (GOP). The value should be a non-zero integer in the range [1, 30] seconds, specified in ISO 8601 format. The default is 2 seconds (PT2S).
    • stretchMode string (values: None, AutoSize, AutoFit): The resizing mode - how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is AutoSize
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • label string: An optional label for the codec. The label can be used to control muxing behavior.


  • VideoAnalyzerPreset object: A video analyzer preset that extracts insights (rich metadata) from both audio and video, and outputs a JSON format file.
    • insightsToExtract string (values: AudioInsightsOnly, VideoInsightsOnly, AllInsights): Defines the type of insights that you want the service to generate. The allowed values are 'AudioInsightsOnly', 'VideoInsightsOnly', and 'AllInsights'. The default is AllInsights. If you set this to AllInsights and the input is audio only, then only audio insights are generated. Similarly if the input is video only, then only video insights are generated. It is recommended that you not use AudioInsightsOnly if you expect some of your inputs to be video only; or use VideoInsightsOnly if you expect some of your inputs to be audio only. Your Jobs in such conditions would error out.
    • audioLanguage string: The language for the audio payload in the input using the BCP-47 format of 'language tag-region' (e.g: 'en-US'). The list of supported languages are English ('en-US' and 'en-GB'), Spanish ('es-ES' and 'es-MX'), French ('fr-FR'), Italian ('it-IT'), Japanese ('ja-JP'), Portuguese ('pt-BR'), Chinese ('zh-CN'), German ('de-DE'), Arabic ('ar-EG' and 'ar-SY'), Russian ('ru-RU'), Hindi ('hi-IN'), and Korean ('ko-KR'). If you know the language of your content, it is recommended that you specify it. If the language isn't specified or set to null, automatic language detection will choose the first language detected and process with the selected language for the duration of the file. This language detection feature currently supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. It does not currently support dynamically switching between languages after the first language is detected. The automatic detection works best with audio recordings with clearly discernable speech. If automatic detection fails to find the language, transcription would fallback to 'en-US'."
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.


  • VideoLayer object: Describes the settings to be used when encoding the input video into a desired output bitrate layer.
    • adaptiveBFrame boolean: Whether or not adaptive B-frames are to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, the encoder will turn it on whenever the video profile permits its use.
    • bFrames integer: The number of B-frames to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, the encoder chooses an appropriate number based on the video profile and level.
    • bitrate required integer: The average bitrate in bits per second at which to encode the input video when generating this layer. This is a required field.
    • frameRate string: The frame rate (in frames per second) at which to encode this layer. The value can be in the form of M/N where M and N are integers (For example, 30000/1001), or in the form of a number (For example, 30, or 29.97). The encoder enforces constraints on allowed frame rates based on the profile and level. If it is not specified, the encoder will use the same frame rate as the input video.
    • maxBitrate integer: The maximum bitrate (in bits per second), at which the VBV buffer should be assumed to refill. If not specified, defaults to the same value as bitrate.
    • slices integer: The number of slices to be used when encoding this layer. If not specified, default is zero, which means that encoder will use a single slice for each frame.
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • height string: The height of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in height as the input.
    • label string: The alphanumeric label for this layer, which can be used in multiplexing different video and audio layers, or in naming the output file.
    • width string: The width of the output video for this layer. The value can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage). For example 50% means the output video has half as many pixels in width as the input.


  • VideoOverlay object: Describes the properties of a video overlay.
    • cropRectangle Rectangle
    • opacity number: The opacity of the overlay. This is a value in the range [0 - 1.0]. Default is 1.0 which mean the overlay is opaque.
    • position Rectangle
    • @odata.type required string: The discriminator for derived types.
    • audioGainLevel number: The gain level of audio in the overlay. The value should be in the range [0, 1.0]. The default is 1.0.
    • end string: The position in the input video at which the overlay ends. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. For example, PT30S to end the overlay at 30 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay will be applied until the end of the input video if inputLoop is true. Else, if inputLoop is false, then overlay will last as long as the duration of the overlay media.
    • fadeInDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades in onto the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade in (same as PT0S).
    • fadeOutDuration string: The duration over which the overlay fades out of the input video. The value should be in ISO 8601 duration format. If not specified the default behavior is to have no fade out (same as PT0S).
    • inputLabel required string: The label of the job input which is to be used as an overlay. The Input must specify exactly one file. You can specify an image file in JPG or PNG formats, or an audio file (such as a WAV, MP3, WMA or M4A file), or a video file. See https://aka.ms/mesformats for the complete list of supported audio and video file formats.
    • start string: The start position, with reference to the input video, at which the overlay starts. The value should be in ISO 8601 format. For example, PT05S to start the overlay at 5 seconds in to the input video. If not specified the overlay starts from the beginning of the input video.




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