Welcome to the Open Source Construct for an Api Gateway Custom Domain!
This CDK Construct Library includes a construct three constructs together
- (
) which creates a custom domain for the specified API Gateway api, along with a base path mapping and route53 alias record to the endpoint cloudfront distribution - (
) which can be deployed with the same alias in multiple regions. - (
) which will be the Route 53 record that can be flipped between deployments in different regions.
The construct defines an interface (CdkApiGatewayDomainProps
) with the following properties that can be passed in:
- companyDomainName => The Hosted Zone name in Route53 (ex. daysmart.com)
- domainName =>
- companyHostedZoneId => The Hosted Zone ID in Route53 (ex. "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2")
- project => The name of the project that is using this construct for some of its resources. (ex. pdfconverter)
- baseEnv => The name of your base environment. (ex. dev, stage, prod)
- dynamicEnv? => The name of a dynamic environment if applicable. (ex. matt-test)
- certificateArn => The arn of a valid AWS Certificate Manager certificate that covers your intended custom domain name. This can be a raw string, but should preferably be a Frank reference to the cert. arn output of another CloudFormation stack, made by the @cdk-certificate module. (ex. ${matttest:pdfconverter-cert-06-04-2021:CertificateArn} => The first part of a Frank reference is the env specified in the Frank template for the certificate stack; the second portion is the certificate stack name; the last part is the name of the desired stack output which should almost always be "CertificateArn")
- restApiId => The ID of an API Gateway Rest API, provisioned beforehand through serverless or some other provider (ex. ae2u06ed94)
- basePath => The desired path for the api's base path mapping (ex. api)
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to js -
npm run watch
watch for changes and compile -
npm run test
perform the jest unit tests