
4.0.4 • Public • Published

DBC login provider for next-auth

login-nextjs is a provider for the next-auth library, that can be used to setup authentication for nextJS applications through login.bib.dk.

This plugin works with next-auth v4. Check out the migration guide, if you import directly from next-auth in your project.

By default this plugin will use JWT to store the session. The JWT is stored as a cookie, so there is no need for a database.


npm i @dbcdk/login-nextjs

Environment Variables

These should be set for the Next.JS application that uses next-auth.

  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET A secret that next-auth will use to encrypt JWT's For generating the key you can use the following CLI npm install -g node-jose-tools, and then run jose newkey -s 512 -t oct -a HS512, which will print out a json string to copy
  • NEXTAUTH_URL The canonical url of your site. For instance https://example.com.


To add NextAuth.js to a project create a file called [...nextauth].js in pages/api/auth.

 * @file
 * pages/api/[...nextauth].js
 * */

import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import {adgangsplatformen, callbacks} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs";
import CONFIG from "../config";

const options = {
  providers: [
      clientId: CONFIG.clientId,
      clientSecret: CONFIG.clientSecret,
  callbacks: {

export default (req, res) => NextAuth(req, res, options);

If your application requires anonymous session, for instance if you need to call FBI-API without a user is logged in, you can import NextAuth (a wrapper around the original NextAuth) like this:

import {NextAuth} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs";

adgangspaltformen is the provider function using login.bib.dk with next through next-auth and requires a ClientId and clientSecret

The provider automatically uses a CULR ID (from login.bib.dk it is called uniqueId) as profile ID. If another ID should be used or further validation is needed a custom profile function can be used:

      clientId: CONFIG.clientId,
      clientSecret: CONFIG.clientSecret,
      profile: ({id, profile}) => {
        //custom logic here
        return {id: 'some-valid-id'}

callbacks contains next-auth specific callbacks that will expose the token recieved from login.bib.dk and redirect to login.bib.dk/logout at logout (See the specific implementation here).

For more information about callbacks see https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/callbacks


The client library exposes three functions signIn, signOut and destroy. signIn and signOut are wrappers around next-auth's signIn and signOut functions. destroy can be called to clear all session cookies. This will trigger a fetch for a new fresh anonymous token. Logic for handling broken sessions should be custom implemented in the application.

import {signIn} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs/client";

export default () => (
  <button onClick={() => signIn()}>Sign in with login.bib.dk</button>
import {signOut} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs/client";

export default () => <button onClick={() => signOut()}>Sign out</button>;
import {destroy} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs/client";

export default () => { 
  // Validate session
     // Session is broken

Next.JS API routes

If you need to access the session inside an API route, you should use getServerSession

import {getServerSession} from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs/server";

export default async (req, res) => {
  const session = await getServerSession(req, res);

FBI-API Test user Login

If you want to use special FBI-API test users, you need to set the testUserProvider in the file [...nextauth].js.

providers: [
      clientId: "...",
      clientSecret: "...",
      fbiApiUrl: "...",

To enable/disable test users in a browser, you must call the function from somewhere in your webapp, for instance like:

import { enableFbiApiTestUsers } from "@dbcdk/login-nextjs/client";

<button onClick={() => enableFbiApiTestUsers(true)}>Enable FBI API test users</button>


npm run test



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