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Twilio PayClient library

Twilio PayClient is a proof of concept implementation of Twilio's Pay service, offering PCI DSS payment capture on Twilio voice calls. Visit the official site for more details: https://www.twilio.com/pay


npm install --save @deshartman/agent-pay


Using this method, you can use payClient in your frontend code environment:

import PayClient from "@deshartman/agent-pay";

const payClient = new PayClient(

// When ready to capture payments

// When done clean up using:
  • "functionsURL" - The Twilio Functions URL where the call handlers are deployed. See Server Setup for suggested Functions option
  • "identity" - is the Agent identity used for tracking purposes.
  • "bearer" - is the Twilio Access Token used for authentication. See Token Setup below on how to get a token
  • "paymentConnector" - The name of the Twilio Pay connector configured.
  • "captureOrder" - These are Merchant specific config, each Agent will use each time
  • "currency" - The currency to use for the transaction. USD is default
  • "tokenType" - The token type to use for the transaction one-time || reusable
  • "writeKey" - OPTIONAL: The write key for Twilio Segment service, that when supplied will write events into a Segment Javascript source. Leave blank to ignore
  • "callSid" - The callSID to attach Pay to. See Methods

OPTIONAL Segment Setup

We have also strapped in Segment with this NPM to report on all events as they happen in the NPM. To set this up, sign up for a segment account at www.segment.com. NOTE: This is completely optional and will function without this config.

  1. Add a "Javascript website" Source Connector in Segment
  2. Copy the Write Key under settings and set VITE_APP_SEGMENT_WRITEKEY in the client side .env file.
  3. To stop logging, simply remove the key

Events will now be logged to Segment and can be processed.

Token Setup

The browser will need to be authenticated with Twilio to use the PayClient. This is done by passing a Access Token (JWT bearer) with each request. You can get a token from the Twilio CLI, command line API or programmatically as shown below:

    const response = await fetch(functionsURL + "/getSyncToken?" + new URLSearchParams({ identity: identity }));
    const syncToken = await response.json();

    if (response.ok) {
      console.log(`Sync Token: ${syncToken}`);
      store = {
        identity: identity,
        bearer: syncToken,


The client has multiple methods that can be used to drive a user interface. Some examples are given below:

    payClient.attachPay(callSid) - Initialize the Agent Assisted Pay Session for a call (SID).
    payClient.startCapture() - This kicks off the capture process.
    payClient.cancelCapture() - Cancel the current capture process.
    payClient.submitCapture() - Submit the current capture process.
    payClient.resetCard() - Reset the card details.
    payClient.resetSecurityCode() - Reset the security code (CVC).
    payClient.resetDate() - Reset the expiration date.
    payClient.updateCallSid(callSid) - Update the call Sid for this payClient Session.
    payClient.detachPay() - Complete the session: Detach the payment capture & remove all event listeners.    


The client has multiple events that fire and can be used to drive a User interface. Some examples are given below:

    payClient.on('callConnected', (callSid) => { });
    payClient.on('cardUpdate', (data) => { }); // As per https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/payment-resource#statuscallback-update
    payClient.on('capturing', () => { });
    payClient.on('capturingCard', () => { });
    payClient.on('capturingSecurityCode', () => { });
    payClient.on('capturingDate', () => { });
    payClient.on('captureComplete', () => { });
    payClient.on('cardReset', () => { });
    payClient.on('securityCodeReset', () => { });
    payClient.on('dateReset', () => { });
    payClient.on('cancelledCapture', () => { });
    payClient.on('submitComplete', () => { });

Calls & Payments

  1. Make a call via Twilio and extract the PSTN side call SID. This is provided to payClient as the call SID. This can be done at initiation or after the fact by updating the call Sid.
  1. On the PSTN calling handset (customer) now enter the card details using the keypad:
  • Enter a test credit card e.g. 4444 3333 2222 1111
  • enter a cvc e.g. 123
  • enter a future exp. date e.g. 1225

Note: If a mistake was made entering digits, call the resetXXX() methods to reset the entry.

  1. When all data has been entered, "Submit" the transaction and wait for a returned token in the 'cardUpdate' event paymentToken.

Server Setup

To use the library, you need to provide the middleware services and specifically a sync token based on a Sync service. These functions are provided as part of the AgentPay library https://github.com/deshartman/AgentPay/tree/master/agent-pay-server. This version uses Twilio Functions to host all the required middleware server functions the NPM will use.

  1. Create an API Key/Secret to use with the services. Update the server "agent-pay-server/.env" with details.

  2. Create a Twilio Sync Service and update PAY_SYNC_SERVICE_SID in "agent-pay-server/.env"

  3. Deploy the Server side with "twilio serverless:deploy". Use the Functions base URL in the PayClient constructor.

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  • deshartman