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1.0.13 • Public • Published


The easiest way to connect to Didit protocol

Didit-SDK is a library that makes it easy to add wallet connection to your dapp.

  • Didit User Authentication flow
  • 🎉 Support for multiple frameworks. Easily integrate with React and vanilla JavaScript. Vue and Svelte are comming soon...
  • 🔥 Out-of-the-box wallet management
  • 🚀 EIP-6963. support for browser extension wallets.
  • 🎨 Easily customizable UI. light/dark or make it match your brand
  • 🦄 Built on top of wagmi


Didit SDK Github Repo

Try it out

You can use the CodeSandbox links below try out Didit Sdk:

  • with js // TODO: setup example on codesandbox

  • with react // TODO: setup example on codesandbox

  • with nextjs // TODO: setup example on codesandbox


install didit-sdk and its peer dependencies, @wagmi/core, viem and @wagmi/connectors. check how install wagmi/core for more

npm i @didit-sdk/js @wagmi/connectors @wagmi/core viem

Configure your didit app

Create an app at Business Console and obtain your clientid and client secret


For a quick integration you can use defaultWagmiConfig function which wraps Wagmi's createConfig function with a predefined configuration. This includes WalletConnect, Coinbase and Injected connectors

In your main.ts file set up the following configuration.

import { arbitrum, mainnet } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
import { createDiditSdk, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@didit-sdk/js'
import { reconnect } from '@wagmi/core'

// Get cleintId from https://business.didit.me
export const clientId = 'k234y324hjsds'

// 1. Create wagmiConfig
const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({
  chains: [mainnet, arbitrum],
  metadata: {
    name: 'Js Example',
    url: 'https://didit.me'


// 2. Create didit sdk
const diditSDk = createDiditSdk({
  themeMode: 'dark'

Trigger the modal

To open didit-sdk modal you can use our web component or build your own button with the sdk actions. In this example we are going to use the <didit-button> component.

Web components are global html elements that don't require importing.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>HTML Example</title>
    <script type="module" src="main.ts"></script>

<didit-callback> component is essential for socials auth to work check components for more


Actions are functions that will help you control the modal, subscribe to status change

Open and close the modal

const diditSdk = createDiditSdk({ wagmiConfig, clienId })





Didit State

authentication state

diditSDk.subscribeDiditState(({ isAuthenticated, accessToken, user }) => {

// or

const { isAuthenticated, accessToken, user } = diditSDk.getDiditState()

Didit state is an object of the following properties:

Property Description Type
`isAuthenticated` Whether the user is authenticated or not. will be undefined when the user authenticating or when checking user session on page load `boolean` | `undefined`
`status` A string representation of the auth status `loading` | `authenticated` | `unauthenticated` `DiditAuthStatus`
`authMethod` The auth method used by the user if is authenticated: `wallet` | `apple` | `google` `DiditAuthType` | `undefined`
`user` The current conncted didit user `DiditUser` | `undefined`
`accessToken` The current **Didit** access token `string` | `undefined`
`refreshToken` The current **Didit** refresh token `string` | `undefined`
`isWalletConnected` A quick way to check if user connected with wallet address `boolean`
`walletAddress` The current connected wallet address if the user is authneticated with wallet address `string` | `undefined`
`addressExplorerUrl` Explorer url of the current connected wallet `string` | `undefined`
`selectedNetworkId` The current connected chain id example: 1 (Ethereum) `number` | `undefined`
`selectedNetworkName` The current connected chain name example: Ethereum (1) `string` | `undefined`

Ethereum Library

You can use Wagmi actions to sign messages, interact with smart contracts, and much more.


Action for signing messages with connected account

import { signMessage } from '@wagmi/core'
import { wagmiConfig } from './main'

await signMessage(wagmiConfig, { message: 'hello world' })

Check more on wagmi docs

Modal State

Get the current value of the modal's state

diditSDk.subscribeDiditModalState(({ isLoading, isOpen }) => {

// or

const { isLoading, isOpen } = diditSDk.getDiditModalState()

The modal state is an object of two properties:

Property Description Type
`isLoading` Open state will be true when the modal is open and the user is authenticating `boolean`
`isOpen` Open state will be true when the modal is open and false when closed. `boolean`


Set the themeMode after creating the sdk instance

const diditSDk = createDiditSdk({ wagmiConfig, clientId })


Get the current themeMode value by calling the getThemeMode function

const diditSDk = createDiditSdk({ wagmiConfig, clientId })

const themeMode = diditSDk.getThemeMode()


Set the themeVariables after creating the sdk instance

const diditSdk = createDiditSdk({ wagmiConfig, projectId })

diditSdk.setThemeVariables({ ... })

Get the current themeVariables value by calling the getThemeVariables function

const diditSdk = createDiditSdk({ wagmiConfig, projectId })

const themeMode = diditSdk.getThemeVariables()

Subscribe to theme changes

const unsubscribe = diditSdk.subscribeTheme(newTheme => console.log(newTheme))

For more readt Didit Sdk docs

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npm i @didit-sdk/js

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  • keddib
  • alejandrorosas