Client for getNncIdentity service of KED
Client to connect EMEP service, useful for nextjs/nodejs projects.
import getIdentity from '@digigov-oss/get-nnc-identity-client';
const test = async () => {
const overrides = {
auditInit: {
auditUnit: '',
auditStoragePath: '/auditStorage',
try {
const Identity = await getIdentity("052704062", "username", "password",overrides);
return Identity;
} catch (error) {
test().then((identity) => { console.log('getNncIdentityOutputRecord',identity); });
- you can use
to override the default values - for your tests, you don't need to use the
mecahnism,in that case, the default storage path will be used ie/tmp
- look at KED standard guides for records you can use on auditInit"
Also, you can use
to override the default storage engine.
import getIdentity from '@digigov-oss/get-nnc-identity-client';
import {PostgreSqlEngine} from '@digigov-oss/gsis-audit-record-db';
const test = async () => {
try {
const overrides = {
auditEngine: new PostgreSqlEngine('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres'),
auditInit: {
auditUnit: '',
const Identity = await getIdentity("052704062", config.user, config.pass, overrides);
return Identity;
} catch (error) {
test().then((identity) => { console.log('getNncIdentityOutputRecord',identity); });
Look at module AuditRecordDB for more details on how to use the AuditEngine.
If you plan to use only the FileEngine
, you can skip the installation of other engines by ignoring optional dependencies.
i.e. yarn install --ignore-optional
an object like the following:
countryCode: 'GRC',
countryDescr: 'Ελλάδα',
addressStreet: 'Βενιζέλου Ελευθερίου',
addressNumber: '86',
addressCity: 'Αθήνα',
telephone: '2101234567',
countryCode2: 'GRC',
countryDescr2: 'Ελλάδα',
addressStreet2: 'Ιάσονος',
addressNumber2: '14',
addressCity2: 'Αθήνα',
mobile: '6979114217',
email: '',
epikForeisFlag: '1',
epidForeisFlag: '1',
auditUnit: '',
auditTransactionId: '52',
auditProtocol: '1/2022-02-11',
auditTransactionDate: '2022-02-11T08:39:50Z',
auditUserIp: '',
auditUserId: 'system'
or an error message like:
{ message: 'Ο Α.Φ.Μ. δεν είναι καταχωρημένος' }
Available AFM for testing:
019285930, 052704062, 076509078
* Notes
you have to ask KED for notificationCenter_v_0.95 documentation to get more info about the output and error fields.
* known issues
KED advertises a wrong endpoint(!) for the getNncIdentity
service on production WSDL. So, you have to use (override) the endpoint:
You can do that by setting the endpoint
property on the overrides
const overrides = {
endpoint: '',