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0.3.0-alpha.3 • Public • Published

@dom-native/ui is a minimalist set of base dom-native UI component based on DOM component (customElements) with a minimal style based on google material.


IMPORTANT: The current version is v0.3.0-alpha.x and you can install it with:

  • npm install @dom-native/ui@alpha

Do not use v0.2.x version except if you have already built something with it (it is in maintenance mode and v0.3.x has an updated customization model)


  • Based on DOM native browser web component support (.e.g., customElements)
    • i.e., NO virtual DOM, NO parallel component model, NO polyfill, just based on HTMLElement customElement base class.
  • Use modern CSS (CSS Var, CSS Grid)
  • Default Google Material Style and Component Sets
  • UI and CSS Designed to be highly stylable (UI states expressed in concise css class name, css driven layout)
  • Target only for modern browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge Chromium.

IMPORTANT This component set is still under development. 0.1.x is going to be mostly releases for our own projects as API / Style might change significantly. Base component set will be stabilized in subsequent major or minor releases.


  • npm install dom-native (install the core dom-native library, DOM Centric MVC)
  • npm install @dom-native/ui@alpha
  • Add the ./node_module/ui/dist/css/all.css in your html or css bundle.
  • Or if you use pcss you can do like
@import '@dom-native/ui/pcss/all.pcss';
  • Add the following in your main javascript file
// load all ui components (as the constructors will be called by the browser)
import { loadDefaultIcons } from '@dom-native/ui';

// load the default icons from @dom-native/ui

Current components

  • d-input
  • d-check
  • d-ico

Future components

  • d-select

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npm i @dom-native/ui

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  • jeremychone