backend.js is a super light module that lets you imports your λ functions into the browser as a backend library.
Important Note: To keep your AWS account secure, make sure you pass access keys with limited access to only invoke the functions you want to invoke.
npm i --save @eahefnawy/backend.js
import backend from '@eahefnawy/backend.js'
const config = {
import: ['sendSms', 'sendEmail'], // λ function names that you'd like to import
region: 'us-east-1',
accessKeyId: 'xxx',
secretAccessKey: 'xxx'
const { sendSms, sendEmail } = backend(config)
await sendSms({ some: 'inputs' })
await sendEmail({ some: 'inputs' })
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
const config = {
import: ['sendSms', 'sendEmail'], // λ function names that you'd like to import
region: 'us-east-1',
accessKeyId: 'xxx',
secretAccessKey: 'xxx'
const { sendSms, sendEmail } = backend(config)
sendSms({ some: 'inputs' })
sendEmail({ some: 'inputs' })