TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0-beta.4.0.0-canary.2 • Public • Published

React Component Library

This React component library is designed for use in Ensi frontend services. It makes it easier to create interfaces using the Greensight Design System (GDS) library.

How and where to get accesses

For accesses to the ensi-platform at npmjs.com oraganization, contact the resource manager.

How to work with LIB

After cloning the repository, install the yarn dependencies (Node 18.18+)

The build is started with the yarn build command and creates a build at the ./dist path.

The build can be parallelized for this purpose by defining the BUILD_CONCURRENCY parameter in the bin/build.sh file

Each parallel process takes about 0.5-1GB of RAM per node instance, so calculate your capabilities

To rebuild an individual component use yarn build-component [COMPONENT_NAME], for ex. yarn build-component select

P.s. build.bat for Windows is outdated and not debugged, there may be problems.

Start working on the task

Next, let's describe the process of working with this library (hereinafter LIB) and testing it in another repository/project (hereinafter REP).

To customize the LIB for local integration with REP, you must link following dependencies:

For LIB:

  • react
  • @types/react

For REP:

  • @ensi-platform/core-components

Ensure that the versions of @ensi-platform/core-components in both LIB and REP are identical.

You can link the LIB to the REP in two ways: manually or using the linking script (recommended).

Linking via script (recommended)

Step 1: Configure path to REP

By default, the script assumes that LIB and REP are located in the same parent directory. If this is not the case, create a linker.config.json file based on the linker.config.json.example file in the root of LIB.

In the linker.config.json, set the "frontendPath" key to the absolute path of REP. If you leave this value empty or delete it, the script will attempt to link assuming LIB and REP are in the same directory.

To get the absolute path to REP, navigate to the REP directory and run the following command:


Example linker.config.json:

  "frontendPath": "/absolute/path/to/your/repo"

Step 2: Run script

Run the following command:

yarn run link

The script will inform you of success or display any errors if they occur.

By default, the script suppresses the console output of yarn commands. To run the script with detailed logs, use the following command:

yarn run link --verbose

Manually linking

Step 1: Create a symbolic link for the LIB

Navigate to the dist build directory and create a symbolic link

cd dist && yarn link

Step 2: Linking the LIB to the REP

Make sure the dependencies are already installed in REP and link the LIBs

yarn link @ensi-platform/core-components

This way the linked repository will always have your dist build in it

Resolving React version conflicts

Next, during REP build, you may have an error, related with some react hook. For example devtools will have warning “invalid react hook call”. This happens because of the presence of multiple react entities. To fix it, link react and @types/react from REP to the LIB, following this steps:

  1. Navigate to the REP/node_modules and create links:
yarn link --cwd react
yarn link --cwd @types/react
  1. Navigate to the root of the LIB and link react and @types/react
yarn link react
yarn link @types/react

Restoring LIB and REP to Original State

After completing your work, it's important to return both the LIB and REP to their original states.

You can do this in two ways: manually or using the unlinking script (recommended).

Unlinking via script (recommended)

Simply run the following command:

yarn run unlink

For detailed output, use the --verbose (-v) flag:

yarn run unlink --verbose

If you don't want to reinstall some dependencies after unlinking, use the --no-repack (-nr) flag:

yarn run unlink --no-repack

Manually unlinking

Step 1: Unlink @ensi-platform/core-components from REP

Navigate to the REP directory and run:

yarn unlink @ensi-platform/core-components

Step 2: Unregister react and @types/react links

Navigate to the REP/node_modules directory and run:

yarn unlink --cwd react
yarn unlink --cwd @types/react

Step 3: Unlink react and @types/react from LIB

Navigate to the LIB directory and run:

yarn unlink react
yarn unlink @types/react

Step 4: Unregister @ensi-platform/core-components link

Navigate to the LIB/dist directory and run:

yarn unlink

Step 5: Reinstall dependencies

After unlinking to restore initial LIB and REP node_modules you need to reinstall dependencies.

Run the following command in both the LIB and REP directories:

yarn repack

Publish a new version

After review approval and merging task-branch to master, you should publish a new version.

  1. Firstly, actualize master and rebuild the package:
git checkout master
git pull origin master
yarn && yarn build
  1. Then check the latest package version at npmjs.com and choose a new version number:

    • PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
    • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
    • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
  2. Go to dist/ build folder and publish code to npmjs:

cd dist
yarn publish --access=public

This command will override version number only in package.json in dist/ folder.

New version of the package will include all the contents of the dist folder, but you can always adjust the whitelist in the dist/package.json parameter files.

  1. Next run command yarn version and specify the same version as in step 3. This command will override version number in package.json, commit changes and create new annotated tag.

  2. Now push changes to gitlab and additionally push tags:

git push origin master
git push origin --tags
  1. Finally go to gitlab-repository, check your tag, release it and fill the release description changes.

Creating a new package

It is recommended to use create-package.js script to create a new package

Run yarn create-package from the root


Refer to the LICENSE.md (MIT) file to view the license.




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  • gs-mskhelen
  • zhukovkirill
  • bashakin
  • ensi.tech