
2.4.0 • Public • Published

Version Bumper

Yet, another helper for bumping version.


  • Collect commits and build Changelog
  • Hooking: before, after commit scripts
  • Autolink for tickets (e.g. Jira)
  • GitHub PR, allow update files and create branch
  • GitHub release
  • Highly flexible by configuration and power template on variables
  • Tiny without any dependencies


Install it globally or in specific project.

# Globally
npm i -g @evan361425/version-bumper
# In project
npm i -D @evan361425/version-bumper

This package require GitHub command tools gh, see installation document.

Help message
$ bumper help
Usage: (npx) bumper <command|$tag> [args]
        version Show latest version of this package
        help    Show this message
        $tag    Specific version to bump

        --help,-h    Show available arguments
        --version,-V Show versio

Bump semantic version is extremely easy:

$ bumper
Enter new semantic version (last version is v1.1.4) with pattern: v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+

Or release candidate format:

# or bumper --rc-tag -T release-candidate
$ bumper --rc-tag --no-semantic-tag
Enter new release-candidate version (last version is v1.1.4-rc.1) with pattern: v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-rc\.[0-9]+

Other patterns tag can easily setup by configuration file or command arguments.

Config File

Read specific config by setting --config,-c (default is bumper.json).


The JSON file is follow the ./schema.json's schema.

You can see the schema prettier in JSON Schema Viewer

Here is an example of setting calendar version:

  "tags": [
      "name": "calendar",
      "pattern": "\\d\\d\\.(JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC)\\.\\d+",
      "sort": {
        "separator": ".",
        "fields": [


Add -h/--help to get information on command:

$ bumper tag -h | less
Usage: (npx) bumper <$tag> [args]
If no version given in first arg, it will ask for it


Arguments can be sent in command and file.

The highest priority will be arguments, and the lowest priority will be the default settings in code.

Command > Configuration file > Default

Use Cases

Change files in other repo and create PR

Create PR by creating new branch temp-{name} from master and changing files file1.txt, file2.txt to base branch master.

bumper \
  --tag[]name=semantic \
  --tag[]pr[]repo=evan361425/version-bumper-deploy \
  --tag[]pr[]head=temp-{name} \
  --tag[]pr[]head-from=master \
  --tag[]pr[]base=master \
  --tag[]pr[]repl[]pattern='version: v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' \
  --tag[]pr[]repl[]paths[]='file1.txt' \
  --tag[]pr[]repl[]paths[]='file2.txt' \
  --tag[]pr[]repl[]repl-v='version: {version}'

Create PR only (for specific stage or re-create)

bumper \
  --tag[]name=semantic \
  --tag[]pr[]repo=evan361425/version-bumper-deploy \
  --tag[]pr[]head=master \
  --tag[]pr[]base=deploy \
  --tag[]pr[]labels[]=label-1 \

Prepare PR setting in config file and only create one specific PR

In config.json, we have

  "tags": [
      "name": "semantic",
      "prs": [
          "head": "main",
          "base": "develop"
          "head": "main",
          "base": "production"

If we only want create first PR, we can:

bumper --tag[]name=semantic --tag[]only-pr[]=0

Develop stage is bump step by step, but production has bump between multiple versions

Although we bump version in develop from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1 and v1.0.2, but we bump directly from v1.0.0 to v1.0.2 in production.

We can specify correct last version directly by --last flag to generate correct diff content.

bumper --last v1.0.0


Powerful template language help customize output.

Template variables can bind as:

  • {<key>} for the value of <key>, like {versionName} for the name of version
  • {<prefix>"<key>"<suffix>} for the <key> name with prefix and suffix, like Hi, {Version "version" is created} If <version> is 1.0.0, will be Hi, Version 1.0.0 is created, and if <version> is empty, it will be Hi,.
  • Special characters <NL> will be replaced with new line.
  • Special characters " can be escaped with "" and same with } (}}) and | (||).
  • Suffix end with |<fallback> will be replaced with <fallback> if empty, <fallback> can also using variable but without prefix and suffix, like Hi, {Version "version" is created|no version} if <version> is empty, it will be Hi, no version.
  • Key suffix with .<method> will be processed by the method,
    • upper: uppercase the value
    • lower: lowercase the value
    • trim: trim the value
    • noPrefix: remove any character before first number, useful for tag name like v1.0.0
    • prefixInLink: put prefix inside markdown link not outside, like [<prefix><text>](<link>)


This is default commit message for changelog:

- ({#"prLink.prefixInLink"|hashLink}{|"autoLink"}) {"scope.upper": }{title}{ - @"author"}

If the variables are:

  "title": "some new feature",
  "author": "evan361425",
  "hashLink": "[sha1-value](commit-link)",
  "prLink": "[123](pr-link)",
  "scope": "component-1",
  "autoLink": "" // empty means not found

Will render

- ([#123](pr-link)) COMPONENT-1: some new feature - evan361425


Changelog default using keep a changelog format and commit follow Conventional Commits format.

Here are some example commits.

fix(ABC-123): should update auto link
fix(test)!: breaking  change with pr #123
add(scope): some scope and auto link ABC-123
feat: simple feature
no any match should be ignored
fix: specific ignoring CHORE

and if we bump from v1.2.3 to v2.0.0, it will (default, and configurable) render as:

$ bumper \
  v2.0.0 \
  --autolink[]link 'https://jira-domain.com/{value}' \
  --autolink[]match[]='ABC-{num}' \
  --diff-ignored[]=CHORE \
  --diff-scope[]=scope=ScopeName \
====== Content is in below:
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

See git diff

## [v2.0.0] - 2024-01-01

### Fixed

- ([hash1ha](https://github.com/evan361425/version-bumper/commit/hash1hash1hash1hash1)|[ABC-123](https://jira-domain.com/ABC-123)) should update auto link - @wu0dj2k7ao3
- ([hash2ha](https://github.com/evan361425/version-bumper/commit/hash2hash2hash2hash2)) test: breaking change with pr - @wu0dj2k7ao3

### Added

- ([hash3ha](https://github.com/evan361425/version-bumper/commit/hash3hash3hash3hash3)|[ABC-123](https://jira-domain.com/ABC-123)) ScopeName: some scope and auto link - @wu0dj2k7ao3
- ([hash4ha](https://github.com/evan361425/version-bumper/commit/hash4hash4hash4hash4)) simple feature - @wu0dj2k7ao3

## [v1.2.3] - 2023-12-31


[unreleased]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/compare/v2.0.0...HEAD
[v2.0.0]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/compare/v1.2.3...v2.0.0
[v1.2.3]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/compare/v1.2.2...v1.2.3
[0.0.1]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/releases/tag/v0.0.1
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  • evan361425