TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

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The missing js and ts helpers


  • sum: Calculates the sum of an array of numbers. Returns 0 if the array is empty.
sum([1,2,3]) // 6
  • mean: Computes the mean of an array of number. Returns 0 if the array is empty
mean([1,2,3]) // 2
  • findIndexAndValue: Finds a value in an array given a predicate, and returns an object with the value and its index
const fruits = ["banana", "peach", "strawberry"	];

findIndexAndValue(fruits, (f) => f === "peach") // {index: 1, value: "peach"}
  • range: Creates an array of numbers between start (defaults to 0) and stop (excluded) in increments of step (defaults to 1)
range(3) // [0,1,2]
range(1,3) // [1,2]
range(1,6,2) // [1,3,5]


  • once: Decorator making a function callable once
let i = 0;

const increment = () => i++;
const wrapped = once(increment);

wrapped(); // i = 1
wrapped(); // i = 1
wrapped(); // i = 1


A fast priority queue / heap implementation, with O(nlog(n)) complexity.

The constructor takes a comparator function.

Public fields:

  • size: (number) the size of the heap
  • isEmpty: (boolean) whether the heap is empty
  • enqueue: adds an element to the queue and prioritizes it
  • dequeue: pops the next element in the priority queue
  • peek: look at the next element without popping it
  • has: checks whether a given element is in the queue
const queue = new PriorityQueue((a: string, b: string) => a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1);


queue.size(); // 3
queue.has("Dan"); // false

queue.dequeue(); // Alice
queue.dequeue(); // Bob

queue.peek(); // Zack
queue.isEmpty(); // false

queue.dequeue(); // Zack


  • round(value: number, decimalPlaces = 0): Rounds value toa precision of decimalPlaces. By default returns value rounded to the nearest integer
round(Math.PI, 2) // 3.14
  • modulo(n: number, d: number): Computes n modulo d. Note: the modulo operator has the same sign as the divisor d whereas the remainder n % d has the same sign as the dividend n
modulo(-1, 3); // 2
-1 % 3;  // -1



  • debounce: A debounce decorator. Parameters:
    • func The function to debounce.
    • delay (default: 100) Minimum delay in ms between calls.
    • throttle (default: false) When debouncing every new call to func resets the delay timer. When throttling the function ensures there is at least delay ms between calls
const arr = [];

const fn = debounce(() => arr.push(Math.random()), 10);

await sleep(6);
await sleep(6);
await sleep(11);

arr.length; // 1
  • Debounce: a debounce class, similar to the simpler function, but with the ability to flush


  • randint(a:number, b: number): Returns a random integer in [a;b]
randint(0, 5) // 2


  • areSetsEqual: checks whether two sets are equal
const s1 = new Set([2, 3, 4]);
const s2 = new Set([4, 3, 2]);

areSetsEqual(s1, s2); // true


  • randomString: Creates a random string of a given length in the alphabet [a-zA-Z0-9_-] (64 characters)
randomString(8); // TNxOLDho
  • nanoId: A fast alias of randomString with length = 8 by default
nanoId(); // b6eKfYLB
  • capitalize: Turns the first letter of a string to uppercase
capitalize("capitalized") // "Capitalized"


  • type: Returns a string representation of the type of an object more precise type than typeof.
// null / undefined types
type(null); // "null"
type(undefined); // "undefined"

// other primitive types
type(0); // "number"
type(BigInt(0)); // "bigint"
type(true); // "boolean"
type(""); // "string"
type(Symbol("")); // "symbol"

// object types
type([]); // "array"
type(new Date()); // "date"
type(new Boolean(true)); // "boolean"
type(new Number(0)); // "number"
type(new String("")); // "string"
type(new Error("")); // "error"
type(new RegExp("a")); // "regexp"
type(/a/); // "regexp"
type({}); // "object"

// function type
type(() => 1); // "function"
type(class Dog {}); // "class"
  • StrictOmit<T, K extends keyof T>: Utility type similar to Omit with constrained keys for stricter types.

  • StrictExtract<T, U extends T>: Utility type similar to Extract with constrained keys for stricter types

  • Timeout: Return type of setTimeout



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  • fcrozatier