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Flipt React SDK


The Flipt React SDK provides a convenient way to integrate Flipt feature flags into your React applications using a custom hook and a context provider. It is built on top of the Flipt client-side evaluation client for the browser.


npm install @flipt-io/flipt-client-react


There are three ways to use the Flipt React SDK.

  1. Use the useFliptBoolean hook for boolean evaluation in a functional component that is wrapped in a FliptProvider.
  2. Use the useFliptVariant hook for variant evaluation in a functional component that is wrapped in a FliptProvider.
  3. Use the useFliptSelector hook for custom evaluation in a functional component that is wrapped in a FliptProvider.

[!TIP] Looking for NextJS support? Check out our NextJS examples in the main Flipt repo.


First, wrap your application or a part of it with the FliptProvider:

import { FliptProvider } from '@flipt-io/flipt-client-react';

function App() {
  return (
        url: 'https://your-flipt-instance.com'
        // Add other configuration options as needed
      {/* Your app components */}

useFliptBoolean Hook

The useFliptBoolean hook simplifies the process of evaluating a boolean feature flag. This hook must be used within a functional component that is wrapped by the FliptProvider context. A default value is returned if the feature flag cannot be evaluated at the current time (e.g., due to network issues or missing data).

import { useFliptBoolean } from '@flipt-io/flipt-client-react';

function MyComponent() {
  const result = useFliptBoolean('my-flag', false, 'user-123', {
    // additional context
  const handleCheckFlag = async () => {
    console.log('Flag evaluation result:', result);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleCheckFlag}>Check Flag</button>

useFliptVariant Hook

The useFliptVariant hook simplifies the process of evaluating a variant feature flag. This hook must be used within a functional component that is wrapped by the FliptProvider context. A default value is returned if the feature flag cannot be evaluated at the current time (e.g., due to network issues or missing data).

import { useFliptVariant } from '@flipt-io/flipt-client-react';

function MyComponent() {
  const result = useFliptVariant('my-flag', 'fallback', 'user-123', {
    // additional context
  const handleCheckFlag = async () => {
    console.log('Flag evaluation result:', result);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleCheckFlag}>Check Flag</button>

useFliptSelector Hook

The useFliptSelector hook allows direct access to the Flipt client so that it can be used in a functional component that is wrapped in a FliptProvider.

This is useful for more complex evaluations or in cases where you wish to call other methods on the Flipt client.

[!CAUTION] > flipt-client-react heavily depends on the useSyncExternalStore which has some caveats

import { useFliptSelector } from '@flipt-io/flipt-client-react';

function MyComponent() {
  const result = useFliptSelector((client, isLoading, error) => {
    const result = client?.evaluateBoolean('my-flag', 'user-123', {
      // additional context
    console.log('Flag evaluation internals:', result, isLoading, error);
    return result?.enabled;

  // Use the client to evaluate flags
  const handleCheckFlag = async () => {
    console.log('Flag evaluation result:', result);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleCheckFlag}>Check Flag</button>

Initialization Arguments

The FliptProvider component accepts two optional arguments:

  • namespace: The namespace to fetch flag state from. If not provided, the client will default to the default namespace.
  • options: An instance of the ClientOptions type that supports several options for the client. The structure is:
    • url: The URL of the upstream Flipt instance. If not provided, the client will default to http://localhost:8080.
    • authentication: The authentication strategy to use when communicating with the upstream Flipt instance. If not provided, the client will default to no authentication. See the Authentication section for more information.
    • updateInterval: The polling interval for fetching new state from Flipt. Set to 120 seconds by default. A 0 value disables polling completely after the initial fetch.
    • reference: The reference to use when fetching flag state. If not provided, reference will not be used.
    • fetcher: An implementation of a fetcher interface to use when requesting flag state. If not provided, a default fetcher using the browser's fetch API will be used.


The FliptProvider component supports the following authentication strategies:


Here's a more complete example of how to use the Flipt React SDK in your application:

import React from 'react';
import { FliptProvider, useFliptBoolean } from '@flipt-io/flipt-client-react';

// A custom component that renders its children if the feature flag is enabled
function FeatureFlag({ flagKey, entityId, children }) {
  const isEnabled = useFliptBoolean('flagKey', false, entityId, {
    // additional context
  return isEnabled ? children : null;

function App() {
  return (
    <FliptProvider options={{ url: 'https://your-flipt-instance.com' }}>
      <h1>My App</h1>
      {/* Will render the children if the feature flag evaluation results in true */}
      <FeatureFlag flagKey="new-feature" entityId="user-123">
        <div>This is a new feature!</div>

export default App;


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • markphelps