This is a small utility to simplify the use of signals in solidjs. It allows for easier access and modification of signals.
npm install @frostime/solid-signal-ref
Import the useSignalRef
function from the package:
import { useSignalRef } from '@frostime/solid-signal-ref';
- Create a signal
const count = useSignalRef<number>(0);
- Access the signal's value: two ways
count(); // Accessor style access
count.value; // Vue style access
count.signal(); // Use count.signal to directly access the signal object itself
- Modify the signal's value
count(1); // Pass in a new value
count.value = 2; // Vue style modification
count.update(3); // Use count.update equivalent to directly accessing the setSignal function
count.update(v => v * 2);
- Derived signal
// Equivalent to const doubled = () => count() * 2;
const doubled = count.derived(c => c * 2);
<p>Doubled count: {doubled()}</p>
function App() {
const count = useSignalRef(0);
const odd = () => (count() % 2 === 1) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
const wordCount = count.derived(c => `Word count: ${c.toString().length}`)
const numberStr = createMemo(() => {
const abs = Math.abs(count());
if (abs < 1000) {
return abs.toString();
} else if (abs < 1000000) {
return (abs / 1000).toFixed(1) + 'k';
} else {
return (abs / 1000000).toFixed(1) + 'M';
return (
<div class="card">
<button onClick={() => count((count() + 1))}>
{count()} + 1
<button onClick={() => { count.value -= 1 }}>
{count.value} - 1
<button onClick={() => { count.update((c: number) => 10 * c) }}>
{count.value} * 10
<button onClick={() => { count.value /= 10 }}>
{count.value} / 10
Is count odd? {odd()}; {wordCount()}; {numberStr()}