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1.0.1 • Public • Published


A fun React hook that animates the document title and/or favicon when focus from the page is lost.


Parameters for usePleaseStay are passed via an object of type UsePleaseStayOptions (click me!).

Name Type Default Value Description
titles ArrayOfOneOrMore<string> Required, an array of strings with at least one value The titles to iterate through. Note that with certain AnimationType only the first title is taken.
animationType AnimationType AnimationType.LOOP The animation type on the title. There are three types:
- AnimationType.LOOP: each title in the titles is iterated sequentially
- AnimationType.CASCADE: Only the first title in the titles array is taken, and the title is modified by adding one letter at a time
- AnimationType.MARQUEE - only the first title in the titles array is taken, and the title animates across the tab in a marquee fashion
faviconLinks ArrayOfTwoOrMore<string> undefined The desired favicon links to animate through
interval number 500 The rate in milliseconds at which the title and favicon change occurs
shouldAlwaysPlay boolean false The rate in milliseconds at which the title and favicon change occurs

Warning Logs

This hook will display various warning messages if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to "development". These messages are a helpful reminder in development only, and will not be displayed in production.

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npm i @fullstackcraftllc/react-use-please-stay

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  • fullstackcraftllc