The Outline
tool uses an efficient method of post-processing
to stroke entities in the scene that need to be stroked in batches, and supports strokes of different colors for entities containing children, and also supports the adjustment of stroke size.
- 🔲 size - Outline size, [1~6]
- 👱🏻♂️ mainColor - Outline main color, used for parent entity
- 👶 subColor - Outline sub color, used for child entity
The Outline
is published on npm with full typing support. To install, use:
$ npm install @galacean/engine-toolkit-outline
This will allow you to import package entirely using:
import * as TOOLKIT from "@galacean/engine-toolkit-outline";
or individual classes using:
import { OutlineManager } from "@galacean/engine-toolkit-outline";
const cameraEntity = rootEntity.createChild("camera_entity");
const camera = cameraEntity.addComponent(Camera);
const outlineManager = cameraEntity.addComponent(OutlineManager);
// The entity you want to outline
// Clear all outline entities
// some configuration
outlineManager.size = 1;
outlineManager.mainColor.set(1, 1, 1, 1);
outlineManager.subColor.set(1, 1, 1, 1);
The engine is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.