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Homebridge Eufy Robovac

[!IMPORTANT] Homebridge <v1.8.4 Information

This plugin has a scoped name with a '.' in it. You'll need Homebridge v1.8.5 or greater to run it.

This is a plugin to control the Eufy Robovac via Homebridge.

It is recommended to run this plugin as a child bridge.

Multiple child bridges will enable you to control multiple Eufy Robovacs. To configure this scenario, you must manually edit Homebridge's config.json.


This plugin can be configured using homebridge-config-ui-x. There are 4 required fields.

  • Name - the name for your Robovac
  • IP Address - the IP address of your Robovac. Configure your DHCP server to serve a static IP address to your Robovac for the best experience.
  • Tuya Device ID and Tuya Device Key - these can be obtained by following https://github.com/gtalusan/eufy-device-id-js


The default accessory is a switch that will run the Eufy Robovac in "auto" mode. As part of this accessory, a sub-switch is also available to turn on the vacuum's location beacon.

You may also create arbitrary room switches. A room switch will direct your Eufy Robovac to clean an arbitrary set of rooms. Use a comma-delimited list corresponding to the room numbers on your Eufy Robovac's map.

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  • gtalusan