This is a JS implementation of the Filecoin address type, inspired by go-address. It can create new address instances and encode addresses, and it takes care of decoding and validating checksums.
npm i @glif/filecoin-address
const { newFromString, encode } = require('@glif/filecoin-address')
const address = newFromString('t1hvuzpfdycc6z6mjgbiyaiojikd6wk2vwy7muuei')
const addressProtocol = address.protocol()
const addressPayload = address.payload()
const addressString = address.str // Uint8Array
const networkPrefix = 't'
const encoded = encode(networkPrefix, address)
- newAddress
- newIDAddress
- newFromString
- decode
- encode
- equals
- bigintToArray
- getChecksum
- validateChecksum
- validateAddressString
- checkAddressString
npm install
npm test
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