
0.4.2 • Public • Published



This library provides an autocomplete component for the Mapbox Geocoding API.

Getting Started

Install the package:

npm install --save @goussama/places-autocomplete

Import and initialize the autocomplete:

import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';
import PlacesAutocomplete from '@goussama/places-autocomplete';
import '@goussama/places-autocomplete/index.css';

mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.abcd1234...';

const mapboxglMap = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container: document.getElementById('my-map-container'),
  style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12'

const autocomplete = new PlacesAutocomplete({
  mapboxToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
  country: 'ma',
  mapInstance: mapboxglMap,
  debounce: 300

const inputEl = document.getElementById('my-input');

The example above configures the autocomplete with a mapbox-gl map instance, allowing the autocomplete to sync the map's position to the selected autocomplete result. You can view the Mapbox GL JS docs for more information on the mapbox-gl package.


The autocomplete can be configured with the following options upon initialization:

Option Description Default
input An input DOM element to attach the autocomplete to. -
mapboxToken The Mapbox access token used for the API requests (required). -
mapInstance A mapboxgl.Map instance, syncs map position to autocomplete. -
className Specifies the class name for the autocomplete suggestions container. -
minLength Minimum number of characters needed to trigger autocomplete. 2
debounce Time in milliseconds to delay the autocomplete between keystrokes. 200
preventSubmit If true, prevents the input from submitting its form on Enter. false
limit Number of results to return in the autocomplete. 6
language Language of returned Mapbox autocomplete results. browser language
proximity Favor results that are closer to this location. Given as a string of two comma-separated coordinates ("lon,lat"). If a mapInstance is specified then the map's current center position will be used instead. -
featureTypes Filter results to include only a subset of the available feature types. Multiple types can be comma-separated. Options are: country, region, postcode, district, place, locality, neighborhood, address, and poi. -
additionalResultsPrepend If true, prepends additionalResults entries to autocomplete suggestions. false
onClear Function called when input is cleared. -
onSelect Function called when autocomplete item is selected (args: [item]). -
additionalResults Function called before updating autocomplete results, should return array of results (args: [query]). -
customize Function called before rendering autocomplete results (args: [input, inputRect, container, maxHeight]). -
country Specify the country to restrict the results to an area. -


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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  • goussama