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Customizable loading spinner for Angular (version ng 5 and above). Supports multiple instances of spinners with different configurations. Can mask element, portion of UI or complete window.


Click here to see it in action!


npm i @hardpool/ngx-spinner


Import NgxSpinnerModule in your module.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { NgxSpinnerModule } from '@hardpool/ngx-spinner';

  // ...
  imports: [
	// ...
  // ...
export class AppModule { }

Add tag ngx-spinner in your component to create a spinner instance. component.html

<ngx-spinner [visible]="showSpinner" [config]="spinnerConfig"></ngx-spinner>
<button (click)="showSpinner()">Show Spinner</button>
<button (click)="hideSpinner()">Hide Spinner</button>

Control spinner instance using input parameters. component.ts

import { SPINNER_ANIMATIONS, SPINNER_PLACEMENT, ISpinnerConfig } from '@hardpool/ngx-spinner';

  // ...
export class DemoComponent implements OnInit {
  showSpinner: boolean;
  spinnerConfig: ISpinnerConfig;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
	this.spBlockUiConfig = {
		placement: SPINNER_PLACEMENT.block_ui,
		animation: SPINNER_ANIMATIONS.rotating_dots,
		size: "3rem",
		color: "#1574b3"
    this.showSpinner = true;
    this.showSpinner = false;

Note: Config can be set globally or specific to instance. For SPINNER_PLACEMENT.block_ui parent element of <ngx-spinner></ngx-spinner> must explicitly specify position: relative.

Input Parameters

Below are the inputs for ngx-spinner.

Input Required Type Details
visible Optional boolean true to show spinner, false to hide spinner
config Optional ISpinnerConfig Spinner configuration object, see options

Config Options

Below are the configuration options for spinner, type ISpinnerConfig. Config options can be set globally or can be set for each ngx-spinner instance.

Option Type Default Details
placement enum SPINNER_PLACEMENT.inplace Controls placement for spinner instance.
SPINNER_PLACEMENT.inplace: shows spinner on element, not blocking anything
SPINNER_PLACEMENT.block_ui: shows spinner blocking parent element. Parent element must explicitely specify position: relative css.
block_window: shows spinner on window with mask, blocking entire app.
animation enum SPINNER_ANIMATIONS.blink Controls animation for spinner instance. Can be set anything like SPINNER_ANIMATIONS.xxxxxxx
size string 2rem Controls size of spinner. Can be specified in any css friendly value, eg. 18px, 4rem, 3.2em etc.
bgColor string rgba(255,255,255,0.8) Controls background mask color for spinner instance. Can be any css color hex, rgb(a) value etc. eg. #eaeaea, rgba(0,0,0,0.8) etc.
color string #e46521 Controls color of spinner. Can be any css color hex, rgb(a) value.
secondaryColor string #1574b3 Controls secondary color for spinner. Can be any valid css color.

Global Config

Global config affects all spinners in app. These config overrides default configs and are overriden by instance configs. To set global config use config method while including NgxSpinnerModule.

  // ...
  imports: [
	// ...
      size: '3.5rem',
      color: '#53f46e'
  // ...

Instance Config

Instance config affects only the spinner instance. These config ovverrides global config. Instance config can be set by input parameter config.


Below are the methods exposed by NgxSpinner.

Method Details
show() Shows spinner instance
hide() Hides spinner instance
toggle() Alters the display state of spinner instance

Optional: Usage (example with componentRef)

Below is alternate way of using spinner with API. component.html

<ngx-spinner #loginSpinner></ngx-spinner>


import { NgxSpinner } from '@hardpool/ngx-spinner';

  // ...
export class DemoComponent implements OnInit {
  @ViewChild("loginSpinner") loginSpinner: NgxSpinner;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
	this.loginSpinner.config = {
		// ... spinner config ...

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