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1.4.0 • Public • Published

HellHub SDK Logo

The Official SDK For The Community Driven HellHub API.

Written 100% in TypeScript, Filter and collect data with full type safety out of the box. Make your life easier and try it today!

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What is the HellHub SDK?

The HellHub SDK is a TypeScript library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for interacting with the HellHub API. It is designed to make it easy for developers to filter and collect data with full type safety out of the box.


To install the HellHub SDK, you can use npm, yarn or bun. For simplicity, we will use bun in this example:

bun add @hellhub-collective/sdk


To use the HellHub SDK, you will need to import the HellHub class from the @hellhub-collective/sdk package.

import HellHub from "@hellhub-collective/sdk";

You can then use the HellHub class to interact with the HellHub API. For example, you can use the planets method to retrieve a single or a list of planets:

// get the planet with id 1
const response = await HellHub.planets(1);

// get a list of all planets
const response = await HellHub.planets();

// get a list of planets with a filter and limit
const response = await HellHub.planets({
  limit: 15,
  filters: { name: { $contains: "Earth" } },

Requesting complex endpoints

The HellHub SDK also supports more complex endpoints that require additional parameters. You can also use the request method if you need more control over the request:

import HellHub, { type Planet } from "@hellhub-collective/sdk";

const response = await HellHub.request<Planet[]>("/sectors/1/planets", {
  query: {
    limit: 15,
    filters: { name: { $contains: "Earth" } },

Bring your own API

If you are using a self-hosted version of the HellHub API, you can specify the HELLHUB_API_URL environment variable to point to your API endpoint. Note that the value will need to include the /api path.

export HELLHUB_API_URL="https://my-hellhub-api.com/api"


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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