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Hestia Guide

This repository contains the raw content of the guide written in Markdown language.

Every file under src/content will be automatically deployed to https://hestia-earth.gitlab.io/hestia-guide domain for testing.


Note: only lower chars, dashes (-) and numbers are allowed in the filenames.

Writing Guidelines

  1. Create a new file under src/content and make sure the filename only uses lowercase letters, numbers and dashes.
  2. Start the file with a header level 2 using a double ##. Example:
## This is the header

This is the content.

### This is a sub-header

The header level 1 will be automatically used as Title for the Guide page, so please try to keep it short.

The second line (omitting the blank lines) will be used as abstract.

Important: the folder and the file name should reflect the Guide navigation structure.

Example: if you are adding a page called "Signing in" under "HESTIA 101", please add src/content/hestia-101/3_signin.md file. This will automatically:

  • show the page under "HESTIA 101" menu
  • show the page as item number 3 in the menu (if there are 2 pages before number 1_, 2_ in the same folder)
  • match the page with the url hestia-101-signin
  • the title of the page will be used also in the menu

Adding metadata

It is possible to add a list of metadata, using the following format:

/<name of metadata> ~Title~

These metadata must be added at the end of the file, one per line. The list of metadata is:

Name Can be added multiple times Description
previous Link to the previous guide page (will show at the bottom)
next Link to the next guide page (will show at the bottom)
tag Used to group pages together as "related"


# This is the title

This is the content of the page.

/tag ~Hestia~
/tag ~Beginners~
/previous ~how-to-upload~
/next ~how-to-access-data~

Adding images or videos

To add an image or a video to a page:

  • add the file under the src/assets folder. Note: you can use sub-directories to organise the files.
  • make sure to use a simple name, without special characters. So only letters and numbers, dashes or underscores.
  • in the content of the page, use either
    <img src="/guide-content/assets/<path to the file>" alt="Text to describe the image" height="auto">
    or to use videos in different formats
    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
      <source src="/guide-content/assets/<path to the file>.mp4" type="video/mp4">
      <source src="/guide-content/assets/<path to the file>.ogg" type="video/ogg">



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  • mebibou