Uniswap Exchange Wrapper
Exchange wrapper for connecting hYhX contracts to Uniswap Exchange on-chain.
Tests fork mainnet contracts for use locally. This makes testing already deployed contracts and infrastructure against new contracts locally incredibly easy.
Setup for this is done in the test/helpers/setup.ts
Tests use jest and ethers
along with the local blockchain setup in the setup.ts
file. Typescript preprocessing
for tests is done using ts-jest.
To run tests simply run yarn test
For development, yarn test:watch
will watch contract and tests for changes and
rerun the tests.
Test configuration files can be found at:
(basic configuration for jest and typescript) -
(adds a longer timeout to tests)
Relevant linting files can be found at the following locations:
Smart Contracts
Linting is done using ethlint.
Run yarn lint:sol
to lint the contracts.
Linting is performed through eslint along with
prettier. Typescript is linted though plugins for eslint.
See package.json
for more info on plugins.
Building the Contracts
Contract compilation is done using waffle. Waffle is not used for tests.
To compile, simply run yarn compile:sol
For a nice development flow, yarn compile:sol:watch
can be used for automatic recompiling.
Deploying Contracts
Ensure that the correct .env
variables are set before deploying. See .env.example
for details.
Deployed contracts are saved to deployments.json
at the root of the repo. This is committed to source.
variable is optional. If it is not supplied, an estimate will be fetched from
the network. This is NOT recommended when deploying to mainnet.
For a list of already deployed contracts, see deployments.json
at the root of the repo.
Private Network (dev AKA ganache)
For testing migrations locally, a local blockchain forked off of mainnet can be used:
yarn start:devchain
Deployment can then be run using:
yarn deploy:contracts
Public Networks (mainnet, kovan, etc.)
Simply run:
yarn deploy:contracts
Everything should work fine as long as .env
vars were set correctly.
Contract Layout
Contract directory is as follows:
├── exchange-wrappers
│ ├── TestExchangeWrapper.sol
│ └── UniswapV2ExchangeWrapper.sol
├── external
│ ├── README.md
│ └── uniswap
│ ├── IUniswapV2Factory.sol
│ ├── IUniswapV2Pair.sol
│ ├── IUniswapV2Router01.sol
│ └── UniswapV2Library.sol
├── interfaces
│ ├── ExchangeReader.sol
│ └── ExchangeWrapper.sol
└── lib
├── GeneralERC20.sol
└── TokenInteract.sol
The main contract is UniswapV2ExchangeWrapper.sol
. This is the contract which
acts as the connector between the hYhX contracts and Uniswap. A test exchange wrapper
named TestExchangeWrapper.sol
has been included for later testing purposes.
This directory contains libraries and interfaces relating to external projects
(namely Uniswap). These are used for interaction with Uniswap from the exchange
wrapper named UniswapV2ExchangeWrapper.sol
These contracts are contracts specifically relating to interfacing with hYhX contracts.
These are miscellaneous libraries which are used by UniswapV2ExchangeWrapper
at some
point in its dependency graph.
Javascript package
This is used in order to convert orderData
specific to either TestExchangeWrapper
or UniswapV2ExchangeWrapper
into bytes which can be used with the smart contract.
It makes creating this bytes orderData
a more straightforward ordeal.
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