Generates a JSON Schema from the request body or response.
Insomnia Rest Client version 2021.7.2 or above
Generates a JSON Schema from the request body
Enable/disable JSONSchema preview from the request response.
Set up
Go to Insomnia > Preferences > Plugins, type in @homeinside/insomnia-plugin-jsonschema-generator and click Install Plugin.
Alternatively, check out the manual installation.
Manual installation
Clone this repo inside:
- MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Insomnia/plugins/
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Insomnia\plugins\
- Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Insomnia/plugins/ or ~/.config/Insomnia/plugins/
Install dependencies using npm install
- Create a Plugin for Insomnia Rest Client
- Insomnia plugins - Hooks and Actions
- JSON schema
- Insomnia Plugin Hub
- ruzicka/to-json-schema
- benemohamed/insomnia-plugin-json-schema
The full text of the license can be found in the file MIT-LICENSE.txt.