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Smart Contract Integration

How It Works

Hypernet.ID mints Non-Fungible Token assets directly to a user's account on the blockchain. This package allows protocol developers to gate access to their protocol by requiring that an account own a Hypernet.ID NFT and that it indicates the user has met certain identity check criteria.

The tokenURI field of each Hypernet.ID NFT contains a bit field that indicates what Personally Identifying Information (PII) the user presented during their identity verification screening, what country code they were verified under, and the timestamp of when they passed the screening. This bitmap only indicates the PII was presented and passed verification checks; no PII is actually written to the blockchain. See the full NFT specification for details.

NOTE: In order to adhere to the specification of the EIP721 standard, the Hypernet.ID bit field is encoded as a UTF-8 string. The smart contract integration package handles conversion from UTF-8 to bits for you.

Hypernet.ID Registry Chain Addresses

Currently, the Hypernet.ID smart contract registries are only deployed to testnet environments. Therefore, only smart contracts on these networks can directly query a user's verification status. As Hypernet.ID deploys to other EVM-compatible blockchains, this section will list the offical contract addresses that Hypernet.ID administers.

Rinkeby (chainid: 4)


Polygon Mainnet (chainid: 137)


Mumbai (chainid: 80001)


Avalanche Mainnet (chainid: 43114)


Fuji (chainid: 43113)



Hypernet.ID publishes a helper contract, ID.sol, as an NPM package that you can inherit in your own smart contract to protect public and external functions from being accessed by users who have not undergone sufficient identity verification. This allows for id verification to be enforced at the protocol level so that it cannot be circumvented. To install Hypernet.ID's helper contracts in your project run:

npm install --sav-dev @hypernetlabs/hypernet-id-contracts-integration


Protecting your smart contract's external and public functions from unverified accounts simply requries that they be decorated with one of the following modifiers defined in ID.sol.

  • onlyVerified: Simply checks that the msg.sender owns a Hypernet.ID NFT but does not check that any specific id checks were performed. This is the most gas effient modifier.
  • onlyVerifiedWithCriteria: Checks that the msg.sender owns a Hypernet.ID NFT and that its owner has met the id checks specified in CRITERIA. This is the most gas expensive modifer.
  • onlyVerifiedTokenWithCriteria: Checks that the msg.sender owns a Hypernet.ID NFT and that its owner has met the id checks specified in CRITERIA. This is about 12% cheaper to call than onlyVerifiedWithCriteria but requires that a tokenid be given as an argument.

You can see a simple yet complete example of how to use ID.sol here. In order to gate on specific id verification criteria, you must set the CRITERIA variable appropriately. An example of how to do this can be seen in the constructor of Test.sol. Additionally, since Hypernet.ID maintains id registries on multiple chains, you must be sure to set the registryAddress variable to the requisite address for your target network (i.e. Rinkeby, Mainnet, Avalanche, Polygon, etc.).

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npm i @hypernetlabs/hypernet-id-contracts-integration

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