TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published


This package contains Angular components, services, and typings to facilitate development and integration of Angular web components written for Impartner host applications.


In addition to core dependencies on Angular and RxJS, the package also depends on @impartner/angular-sdk, @impartner/design-components, i18next, and angular-i18next. These peer dependencies may or may not be optional, depending on which package modules and entrypoints are used. Please refer to the below table to see which versions are supported or targeted. (Note: Not all versions of @impartner/angular-apps are listed - only those with changes to package peer dependencies.)

@impartner/angular-apps Angular @impartner/angular-sdk @impartner/design-components1 i18next2 angular-i18next2
1.1.0 ^14.2.0 ^1.0.0 ^1.0.0 ^21.10.0 ^14.2.0
1.2.1 ^14.2.0 ^1.1.0 ^1.0.0 ^21.10.0 ^14.2.0
1.2.2 ^14.2.0 ^1.2.0 ^1.1.0 ^21.10.0 ^14.2.0
2.0.0 >=17.0.4 ^2.0.0 ^2.0.0 ^23.7.0 ^17.0.0
3.0.0 >=18.2.0 ^3.0.0 ^3.0.0 ^23.7.0 ^18.0.0


  1. @impartner/design-components is only required when importing from the @impartner/angular-apps/local-dev entrypoint.
  2. i18next and angular-i18next are only required when importing from the @impartner/angular-apps/i18n entrypoint.


  1. Add the @impartner/angular-sdk and @impartner/angular-apps dependencies from npm.
  2. Optional: Install optional peer dependencies now, if desired:
    • If using elements from the @impartner/angular-apps/local-dev entrypoint, add @impartner/design-components from npm, including its own peer dependencies; refer to that package's documentation for further details.
    • If using elements from the @impartner/angular-apps/i18n entrypoint, add i18next, and angular-i18next from npm, including their own peer dependencies, if any.


This package includes various TypeScript and Angular code elements to assist with different aspects of developing and integrating Angular-based web components with Impartner host applications, and has separated those elements into discrete package entrypoints and modules.

Entrypoint: @impartner/angular-apps/widget

This entrypoint exposes injection tokens, providers, and the root/application NgModules that should be used for Angular-based widget applications running in Impartner host portal applications.


Widget applications must have the root application module ("AppModule" by default) extend this abstract class, which is responsible for running appropriate application bootstrapping behavior when importing the ImpartnerWidgetModule and LocalImpartnerWidgetModule modules.


This module should be imported in the Angular application's root NgModule using the ImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(...) static function, passing the project's environment constant and a IWidgetAppOptions value as the required arguments. Once imported, the module will register providers and services appropriate for the specified configuration.


Name Description
isCustom A boolean value indicating whether or not the MFE is a custom MFE for Impartner host applications.
widgetDefinition A singular IWidgetDefinition object declaring the name, type, and Angular components of a widget. Only provide when isCustom is true.
widgetDefinitions An array of IWidgetDefinition objects declaring the name, type, and Angular components for a set of widgets that will all be packaged together. Only provide when isCustom is false.


Name Description
name The displayed ("friendly") name of the widget.
type A unique type key or API name for the widget.
style The particular Impartner stylesheet/theme that should be applied to the widget. This should almost always be StyleType.ImpartnerHex.
modeComponents Mappings from Impartner portal application modes (view, edit) to their corresponding Angular component classes and custom element tags when converted to web components (see: IWidgetComponent)
ngModuleType The NgModule that exports the Angular components mapped in modeComponents.


Name Description
componentType The type reference to an Angular component.
webComponentTag The desired custom element tag to be used when the Angular component is converted to a web component.

BaseWidgetComponent<TConfig, TData = never>

BaseWidgetComponent is a abstract class intended to be extended when developing new widget web components for Impartner portal applications, where TConfig is the typing of the widget's configuration object.

This class already has a defined constructor, and as such any subclasses extending it will need to invoke the super constructor with the appropriate arguments, including a number of services imported from @impartner/angular-sdk, as well as a default value for widget configuration.


import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseWidgetComponent } from '@impartner/angular-apps';
import {
} from '@impartner/angular-sdk';

interface IWidgetConfig {

const DEFAULT_WIDGET_CONFIG: IWidgetConfig = { ... };

@Component({ ... })
export class ExampleWidgetComponent extends BaseWidgetComponent<IWidgetConfig> {
    impartnerConfig: ImpartnerConfigService,
    @Inject(IMPARTNER_LOGGER_TOKEN) impartnerLogger: IImpartnerLogger,
    changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef
  ) {

Components that extend BaseWidgetComponent will inherit a number of public and protected properties and methods.


Name Access Description
id public (Input) The unique identifier of the widget.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and should not be modified by component code.

Type: string | number
widgetConfig public (Input) The value object containing the widget's configuration.
New values set to this property are merged on top of the default value provided in the constructor.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and generally should not be modified by component code.

Type: TConfig
data public (Input) Optional additional information or configuration belonging to the widget.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and generally should not be modified by component code.

Type: TData | undefined
localeCode public (Input) The current locale code at the time of the widget's initial rendering.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and should not be modified by component code.

Type: string | undefined
revision public (Input) The numbered revision or iteration of the rendered widget and its surrounding page.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and should not be modified by component code.

Type: number | undefined
isDraft public (Input) The draft state of the rendered widget and its surrounding page.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and should not be modified by component code.

Type: boolean | undefined
localization public (Input) A key-value map of locale codes to key-value maps of localization tokens and corresponding text, generally configured during page editing.

This input is set by the Impartner host application and should generally not be modified by component code.

Type: ILocalesMap | undefined
onDestroy$ protected An observable that will emit and complete during component destruction.

Type: Observable<void>
_impartnerConfig protected An instance of ImpartnerConfigService.

Type: ImpartnerConfigService
_impartnerLogger protected An instance of IImpartnerLogger.

Type: IImpartnerLogger
_changeDetectorRef protected An instance of ChangeDetectorRef.

Type: ChangeDetectorRef
_defaultWidgetConfig protected The default widget configuration.

Type: TConfig


Name Access Description
_onSetWidgetConfig protected An overrideable method that will be invoked when the widgetConfig property setter is successully updates the config value. Override this method if additional logic needs to be run after configuration is set.

BaseWidgetEditComponent<TConfig, TData = never>

BaseWidgetEditComponent is a abstract class intended to be extended when developing the "edit mode" experiences of new widget web components for Impartner portal applications, where TConfig is the typing of the widget's configuration object.

This class already has a defined constructor, and as such any subclasses extending it will need to invoke the super constructor with the appropriate arguments, including a number of services imported from @impartner/angular-sdk, as well as a default value for widget configuration.


import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseWidgetEditComponent } from '@impartner/angular-apps';
import {
} from '@impartner/angular-sdk';

interface IWidgetConfig {

const DEFAULT_WIDGET_CONFIG: IWidgetConfig = { ... };

@Component({ ... })
export class ExampleWidgetEditComponent extends BaseWidgetEditComponent<IWidgetConfig> {
    impartnerEventBus: ImpartnerEventBusService,
    impartnerConfig: ImpartnerConfigService,
    @Inject(IMPARTNER_LOGGER_TOKEN) impartnerLogger: IImpartnerLogger,
    changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef
  ) {

Components that extend BaseWidgetEditComponent will inherit a number of public and protected properties and methods, including all those inherited from the base class BaseWidgetComponent.


Name Access Description
emitUpdatedWidgetConfigEvent public emitUpdatedWidgetConfigEvent(newConfig: TConfig) => void
Invoke this method when the host Impartner portal application should be notified of and save a new configuration value for the widget.
emitUpdatedWidgetDataEvent public emitUpdatedWidgetDataEvent(newData: TData) => void
Invoke this method when the host Impartner portal application should be notified of and save a new widget data value for the widget.
emitUpdatedLocalizationEvent public emitUpdatedLocalizationEvent(newLocalization: ILocalesMap) => void
Inoke this method when the host Impartner portal application should be notified of and save new user-defined localization values for the widget.

Entrypoint: @impartner/angular-apps/mfe

This entrypoint exposes injection tokens, providers, and the root/application NgModules that should be used for Angular-based micro frontend ("MFE") applications running in Impartner host applications.


MFE applications must have the root application module ("AppModule" by default) extend this abstract class, which is responsible for running appropriate application bootstrapping behavior when importing the ImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule and LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule modules.


This module should be imported in the Angular application's root NgModule using the ImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule.forRoot(...) static function, passing the project's environment constant and an IMicroFrontEndAppOptions value as the required arguments. Once imported, the module will register providers and services appropriate for the specified configuration.


Name Description
mfeComponentType The type reference for the MFE's main/entry Angular component.
mfeElementTag The desired tag name to be used for the MFE web component's custom browser element.
isCustom A boolean value indicating whether or not the MFE is a custom MFE for Impartner host applications.

Entrypoint: @impartner/angular-apps/i18n

This entrypoint exposes a module to provide internationalization ("i18n") capabilities to Angular-based web components running in Impartner host applications.

This entrypoint has peer dependencies that must be present when importing its exposed elements. If not already installed, add i18next, and angular-i18next from npm with the versions listed in the Dependencies section, including their own peer dependencies, if any.


The ImpartnerI18NextModule provides Angular directives and services for performing internationalization through i18next and the angular-i18next Angular library. Actual i18n work within Angular projects should use the directives, pipes, and services offered from angular-i18next, and full configuration of i18next is still allowed, including the usage of plugin modules and settings for aspects like translation sources (eg. local files vs remote HTTP-based services).

ImpartnerI18NextModule can be imported as-is to an NgModule to import pipes and directives for usage inside other directives and components. In order to setup necessary services and their DI providers, ImpartnerI18NextModule.forRoot(...) must be imported in the application's root NgModule. ImpartnerI18NextModule.forRoot(...) supports all of the configuration options available on i18next's InitOptions type, and also accepts providing a collection of i18next plugin modules.

In the below example, ImpartnerI18NextModule is imported to the application root module, and provides translations from an imported constant MY_TRANSLATIONS.

import { ImpartnerI18NextModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/i18n';
import { MY_TRANSLATIONS } from './my-translations';

  imports: [
      resources: MY_TRANSLATIONS
export class AppModule { ... }

Once imported, ImpartnerI18NextModule will initialize i18next during application startup, including setting up automatic resolution of rendered language from the host Impartner application.

Entrypoint: @impartner/angular-apps/local-dev

This entrypoint and primary module expose components and services for assisting with the local development and interactive testing of Angular-based widgets and micro frontends ("MFEs") for Impartner host applications, including capabilities for quickly testing different user locale settings, widget configurations, branding colors, and other context normally managed by the Impartner host application.

This entrypoint has peer dependencies that must be present when importing its exposed elements. If not already installed, add @impartner/design-components from npm, including its own peer dependencies; refer to that package's documentation for further details.


This module should be imported in the Angular application's root NgModule using the ImpartnerLocalAppDevModule.forRoot(...) static function, passing the project's environment constant as the only required argument. Once imported, the module will expose harness components and their necessary services when running in non-production builds.

This module is automatically imported when importing LocalImpartnerWidgetModule or LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule, and it is preferred to use those modules instead of loading this one directly.

import { ImpartnerLocalAppDevModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/local-dev';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { ... }


This is a purpose-made module for facilitating local development of widgets for Impartner portal applications and should be imported in the Angular application's root NgModule using the LocalImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(...) function, passing the project's environment constant and optionally passing an ILocalDevOptions value. Once imported, the module will register providers and services appropriate for the specified configuration, including bootstrapping behavior for the local development/testing harness. LocalImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(...) will also handle importing ImpartnerLocalAppDevModule, so there is no need to manually import that module. Most importantly, the module should only be imported in local development (non-production) builds. As such, a widget application should have a root AppModule definition that looks roughly like thus:

import { LocalImpartnerWidgetModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/local-dev';
import { AbstractImpartnerWidgetAppModule, ImpartnerWidgetModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/widget';

// A IWidgetDefinition value for passing to ImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(); specifics will vary by project
import { CUSTOM_WIDGET_DEFINITION } from './custom-widget-definition';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
    ImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(environment, {
      isCustom: true,
      widgetDefinition: CUSTOM_WIDGET_DEFINITION
      ? []
      : LocalImpartnerWidgetModule.forRoot(environment, {
          defaultTenantId: 1,
          languageOptions: [{
            name: 'English',
            display: 'English',
            locale: 'en',
            isDefault: true,
            isActive: true
export class AppModule extends AbstractImpartnerWidgetModule { ... }

Once properly imported and configured, update the application's index.html file to include the opening and closing tags of the widget harness component inside of the document's <body> tags, like below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- document header tags omitted -->

In addition, the development configuration for the Angular application will need to include the Impartner Hex stylesheet from @impartner/design. See "Including Necessary Styles for Harnesses" for further instruction.


This is a purpose-made module for facilitating local development of micro frontends ("MFEs") and should be imported in the Angular application's root NgModule using the LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule.forRoot(...) function, passing the project's environment constant and optionally passing an ILocalDevOptions value. Once imported, the module will register providers and services appropriate for the specified configuration, including bootstrapping behavior for the local development/testing harness. LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule.forRoot(...) will also handle importing ImpartnerLocalAppDevModule, so there is no need to import it again. Most importantly, the module should only be imported in local development (non-production) builds. As such, an MFE application should have a root AppModule definition that looks roughly like thus:

import { LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/local-dev';
import { AbstractImpartnerMicroFrontEndAppModule, ImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule } from '@impartner/angular-apps/mfe';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
    ImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule.forRoot(environment, {
      mfeComponentType: AppComponent,
      mfeElementTag: 'um-my-example-app',
      isCustom: true
      ? []
      : LocalImpartnerMicroFrontEndModule.forRoot(environment, {
          defaultTenantId: 1,
          languageOptions: [{
            name: 'English',
            display: 'English',
            locale: 'en',
            isDefault: true,
            isActive: true
export class AppModule extends AbstractImpartnerMicroFrontEndAppModule { ... }

Once properly imported and configured, update the application's index.html file to include the opening and closing tags of the harness component inside of the document's <body> tags, like below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- document header tags omitted -->

In addition, the development configuration for the Angular application will need to include the Impartner Hex stylesheet from @impartner/design. See "Including Necessary Styles for Harnesses" for further instruction.

Including Necessary Styles for Harnesses

In order for the widget and MFE harnesses to display correctly in local/development build scenarios, the development configuration for the Angular application will need to include the Impartner Hex stylesheet from @impartner/design. To do so, update the project's angular.json manifest to include it at build time:

  "name": "my-angular-app",
  "projectType": "application",
  "targets": {
    "build": {
      "configurations": {
        "production": { ... },
        "development": {
          "styles": ["node_modules/@impartner/design/css/impartner-hex.css"]

It is imperative to not import the stylesheet into a component's own stylesheet file - doing so can cause multiple copies of the Impartner Hex stylesheet to be loaded at once when served in the host Impartner application, as it is already the Impartner application's responsibility to load Impartner Hex and other related stylesheet resources.


Name Description
defaultTenantId The pre-populated value of the 'Tenant ID' field in the harness Authentication settings. A number.
languageOptions The options in the Program Options and Current Language fields in the harness Language settings section. An array of IAppLanguage. Overrides default provided languages. If array is empty, default languages are provided. If no default provided in options, the first language in the array becomes the default.




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