
3.3.1 • Public • Published

Utils and GUI components for IMID

This library is intended to be used along side IM.ID and IMSG.

The lib is two parts, a React-app and a 'server'-part that generates the HTML

How to use as static files

Each scene is set up to either use the window.settings global variable or fetch these settings from a Base64 encoded JSON object set as the value for the the settings-query parameter. This could be useful in an environment where these scenes are not served by a node server, such as writer-client.

e.g. unitswitcher.html?settings=eyJsb2NhbGUiOiJzdl9TRSIsInVuaXRzIjpbImltbmV3cyIsIm5hdmlnYW5ld3MiXSwiY2hhbmdlVW5pdFBhdGgiOiIvaW1zZy1zZXJ2aWNlL3YxL3VuaXQiLCJzZXNzaW9uU3RvcmFnZU5hbWUiOiJkYi1jdXJyZW50LXVuaXQiLCJzZXRVbml0QXNRdWVyeSI6ZmFsc2UsInJlZGlyZWN0UGF0aCI6Ii93aGVyZS10aGUtdXNlci13YW50cy10by1nby13aGVuLXVuaXQtaXMtc2V0In0=

How to use with Express

When using this module with Expess the built html files are served by your backend, and the settings are injected before they are served. This is the best solution when your application is served using Express, Hapi, or something similar.

Unit selection

The following props should be used to render a "UnitSelector" screen

Property Description Type Optional
locale Language to use (defaults to 'sv_SE') String true
units Units to select from array[string] false
changeUnitPath IMSG path to use in POST-request (defaults to '/imsg-service/v1/unit') String true
sessionStorageName Session storage key (defaults to 'imid-gui-selected-unit') String true
setUnitAsQuery If unit should be set as query param in redirect (defaults to false) boolen true
redirectPath Where to redirect after selection (defaults to '/') String true

Static File Example

const settingsQuery = btoa(
        locale: 'sv_SE',
        units: ['imnews', 'naviganews'],
        changeUnitPath: 'https://backend-service.infomaker.io/imsg-service/v1/unit',
        sessionStorageName: 'db-current-unit',
        setUnitAsQuery: false,
        redirectPath: '/where-the-user-wants-to-go-when-unit-is-set'


NodeJS Server Example

This code demonstrates how to get html/js/css for "UnitSelector" screen

const {getHTMLForUnitSwitch} = require('@infomaker/imid-gui')

const settings = {
    locale: 'sv_SE',
    units: ['imnews', 'naviganews'],
    changeUnitPath: '/imsg-service/v1/unit',
    sessionStorageName: 'db-current-unit',
    setUnitAsQuery: false,
    redirectPath: '/where-the-user-wants-to-go-when-unit-is-set'

const result = getHTMLForUnitSwitch(settings)


Unauthorized screen

The following props should be used to render a "Unauthorized" screen

Property Description Type Optional
locale Language to use (defaults to 'sv_SE') String true
user Ojbect containg information about the current user Object false
logoutURL Logout endpoint string false

Static File Example

const settingsQuery = btoa(
        locale: 'sv_SE',
        user: {
            email: 'my_example@mail.com',
            picture: 'url-to-image'
        logoutURL: 'path/to/logout'


NodeJS Server Example

This code demonstrates how to get html/js/css for "Unauthorized" screen

const {getHTMLForUnauthorized} = require('@infomaker/imid-gui')

const settings = {
    locale: 'sv_SE',
    user: {
        email: 'my_example@mail.com',
        picture: 'url-to-image'
    logoutURL: 'path/to/logout'

const result = getHTMLForUnauthorized(settings)


Login expired screen

The following props should be used to render a "Login expired" screen

If the login expired screen is rendered within an iframe. The redirect to the loginURL should be handled by the parent window. When a press on the button is registered a post message called login-expired-button-pressed' is fired to the parent window.

Property Description Type Optional
locale Language to use (defaults to 'sv_SE') String true
org Organization name String false
loginURL Login endpoint String true

Static File Example

const {user} = fetchLocallyCachedUserinfo()

const settingsQuery = btoa(
        locale: 'sv_SE',
        org: user.org,
        loginURL: 'https://authprovider.com/login',


NodeJS Server Example

This code demonstrates how to get html/js/css for "Login expired" screen

const {getHTMLForLoginExpired} = require('@infomaker/imid-gui')

const settings = {
    locale: 'sv_SE',
    org: req.user.org,
    loginURL: 'https://authprovider.com/login',

const result = getHTMLForLoginExpired(settings)


Supported languages

The gui can be rendered using the following language codes:

  • en_GB - English (Great Britain)
  • en_US - English (American)
  • sv_SE - Svenska


To install this package simply run:

npm install --save @infomaker/imid-gui


npm run build


Start local develop environment

npm run start

Once the webpack devServer has started, you can access the following endpoints to see the results:


To run project test once use:

npm run test

or to enable auto-reload of test on save use:

npm run test-watch

Publish a new release

Use GitFlow with master/develop/feature/release branches to handle new functionality and versions. When a new release-branch has been created run one of the following scripts to bump-version, create a tag and commit new changes.

    npm run release:major
    npm run release:minor
    npm run release:hotfix

Finish the release through GitFlow, this will merge the release-branch into develop and master branches. When a new release is pushed to remote master a Bitbucket pipeline script will be triggered and a new version will be published on NPM (if all tests are green).



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npm i @infomaker/imid-gui

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  • prashant.bhatia
  • infomaker-dev
  • jacobtallberg
  • hansbringert