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1.23.1 • Public • Published

GraphEditor (or Movika Graph Editor)

Movika Graph Editor was created for visual representation and easy manifest data editing. It helps user to connect manifest chapters, add new chapters and chapter controls with a friendly UI.

Native mobile build README

Basic usage

import { GraphEditor } from "movika-graph-editor";

// create editor container
const editorContainer = document.createElement("div");

// add it to DOM

// init GraphEditor
const editor = new GraphEditor(editorContainer);

// set manifest data

Graph editor also can be safely destroyed if necessary. I.e. when editor is used in React project.

React.useEffect(() => {
  // React component unmount
  return () => {
    // safely destroy editor object
}, [])

Init options

Graph editor can be initialized with options if necessary

const editor = new GraphEditor(editorContainer, options);

These are the available config options for editor. All of them are optional.

  // Possible values:
  //   - "edit" - full editor mode which will enable all instruments
  //   - "read" - read only mode
  mode: "edit", // default

  // Specify editor interface localization.
  // Possible values:
  //   - "en"
  //   - "ru"
  lang: "en"; //default

  // Specify custom translation keys that will override default translation.
  translation: Partial<Translation>;

Editor API and event subscription

GraphEditor has a public API

  • Change editor zoom value

NOTE: If the value is not in [min, max] range zoomConfig value then closest value will be applied.
I.e. "value" is smaller that "min" then zoomConfig().min will be applied.

editor.zoom(value: number);
  • Zoom map to selected coordinates
editor.zoomTo(coordinates: [x, y], scale?: number);
  • Get editor zoom config information

// returns
  min: number;
  max: number;
  step: number;
  • Enable/disable zoom
  • Mark chapter with id as selected.
editor.selectChapter(chapterId: string);

// It is also possible to focus selected chapter if second parameter is passed
editor.selectChapter(chapterId: string, true);

// to select multiple chapter pass array of ids
editor.selectChapter(chapterId: string[]);
  • Hover over chapters with ids.
editor.hoverOverChapters(chapterId: string);

// to select multiple chapter pass array of ids
editor.hoverOverChapters(chapterIds: string[]);
  • Focus on chapter with id.
editor.focusChapter(chapterId: string);
  • Zoom to fit graph in editor window
  • Freeze graph (freeze/unfreeze keyboard events, will freeze interaction with graph in future)
  • Enable/disable add chapter instrument
// enable instrument

// disable instrument
  • Show/hide chapter errors while editing
// show chapter errors
    "a4c3c0a1-00fd-4494-a4b1-2ce3e33ae57b": [
      { message: "В проекте есть ноды без видео", title: "Ошибка 1005" },
      { message: "В проекте отсутствуют необходимые связи между нодами", title: "Ошибка 1007" },

// hide chapter errors
  • Enable/disable hand tool to zoom with mouse down. By default it is always disabled.
// show/hide grid
editor.toggleHandTool(enabled => {
  // process "enabled" flag here
  • Set visible chapter ids (read-mode only)
// set
editor.setVisitedChapters(chapterIds: string[]);

// reset
  • Set chapter cover urls
type VideoInfo = {
  id: string;
  cover: string;
  title?: string; // edit-mode only

// set
editor.updateVideosInfo(videosInfo: (VideoInfo[]);

// reset

Event subscription

Editor has list of events to subscribe and get updated information such as control (editor buttons click), zoom, zoomEnd, selectChapters, deleteChapters, selectBranches, manifestUpdate and events.

Subscription examples


It is triggered whenever editor control is clicked

editor.on("control", event => {
  // possible "event" data

  { name: "openEditor"; chapterId: string } // "Open editor" button clicked
  { name: "openPreview"; chapterId: string } // "Preview from this node" or "Watch again" (view mode) buttons clicked
  { name: "changeVideo"; chapterIds: string[] } // "Change video" or "Choose video" button clicked
  { name: "renameControl"; chapterId: string; control: Control; containerId: string } // Control "Rename" button clicked
  { name: "deleteControl"; chapterId: string; controlId: string; containerId: string } // Control "Delete"  button clicked
  { name: "addChapterStopped" } // Add chapter instrument stopped
  { name: "addControl"; type: ControlType; nodeId: string } // "Add control" button clicked

Although it is possible to delete Chapter or Control from editor usually additional confirmation is required. This is why those events are delegated to external usage.


It is triggered on any zoom change

editor.on("zoom", zoom => {
  // zoom object
    x: number;
    y: number;
    value: number;

Select branches

It is triggered when branch(es) is/are selected via editor

editor.on("selectBranches", branchIds => {
  // branchIds - string array of branch ids

Manifest Update

It is triggered whenever manifest object is updated via editor

editor.on("manifestUpdate", updatedManifest => {
  // updatedManifest - Manifest object


It is triggered whenever some action happened via editor. On this actions graph doesn't update manifest internally.

editor.on("actions", action => {
  // possible "action" data

  { name: "deleteChapters"; context: Pick<Chapter, "id">[] } // deleting nodes with ids requested
  { name: "updateChapterOrder"; context: Pick<Chapter, "id" | "order"> } // updating node's order requested
  { // Chapter/Chapters "Rename" button clicked
      name: "renameChapters";
      context: { triggerNodeId: string; selectedNodesIds: string[]};


It is triggered whenever some events happened via editor. On this events graph update manifest internally, but not export updated manifest.

editor.on("events", event => {
  // possible "event" data

  { name: "chaptersAdded"; context: { chapter: Chapter; graphChapter: GraphEditChapter}[] } // Chapter was added to manifest
    name: "coordinatesUpdated";
    context: {
      id: string;
      x: number;
      y: number
  } // Coordinates of chapters were changed
  { name: "chaptersSelected"; context: Pick <Chapter, "id"> []} // list of chapters that were selected
  { name: "chapterUpdated"; context: Chapter } // chapter that was updated
  { name: "zoom"; context: ZoomState } // on zoom event (fires multiple times during animation)


It is triggered whenever a notification has to be presented

editor.on("notification", notification => {
   * Notification object
   * {
   *  id: "remove_init_chapter" | "copy_chapter" | "copy_multiple_chapters";
   *  defaultTranslation: string;
   * }




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  • interactiveplatform