
1.0.2 • Public • Published


Helps people contribute money to a project, and choose judges to distribute it for various solutions.


when deploy it is need to pass parameters in to init method Params:

name type description
stagesCount uint256 count of stages for Contest
stagesMinAmount uint256 array of minimum amount that need to reach at each stage. length array should be the same as stagesCount
contestPeriodInSeconds uint256 duration in seconds for contest period(exclude before reach minimum amount)
votePeriodInSeconds uint256 duration in seconds for voting period
revokePeriodInSeconds uint256 duration in seconds for revoking period
percentForWinners uint256[] array of values in percentages of overall amount that will gain winners
judges address[] array of judges' addresses. if empty than everyone can vote


name type value description
revokeFee uint256 10e4 10% mul at 1e6. penalty for revoke tokens


once installed will be use methods:

method name called by contract description
isContestOnline anyone boths Checking online Contest
pledge anyone Constest.sol only can be used to send external token into the contract, and issue internal token balance
pledgeETH anyone ConstestETHOnly.sol only can be used to send ETH into the contract, and issue internal token balance
delegate anyone outside the contestant list boths user can delegate own vote
vote anyone on the judge list
(if judgelist empty anyone outside the contestant list)
boths vote for contestant
claim anyone on the contestant list boths claim funds
enter anyone boths sender is become a contestant
leave anyone on the contestant list boths sender leave from contest
revoke anyone outside the contestant list boths revoke own vote or delegation



Checking online Contest Params:

name type description
stageID uint256 Stage number


can be used only with Constest.sol to send external token into the contract, and issue internal token balance Params:

name type description
amount uint256 amount to pledge
stageID uint256 Stage number


can be used only with ConstestETHOnly.sol to send ETH into the contract, and issue internal token balance Note that ETH need to send with transaction/ not directly to contract via native recieve() Params:

name type description
amount uint256 amount to pledge
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
judge address address of judge which user want to delegate own vote
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
contestantAddress address address of contestant which user want to vote
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
stageID uint256 Stage number



name type description
stageID uint256 Stage number

Lifecycle of Contest

  • creation Contest. emitting event ContestStart. Starting Contest Period with StageID = 0
    • anyone can enter to contest calling method enter() and become contestant
    • anyone can leave to contest calling method leave() and remove itself from contestant list
    • anyone can pledge smth to contest calling method pledge() if didn't not become contestant earlier
  • as soon as pledging by people become more than "stagesMinAmount" Contest Period will be extended for contestPeriodInSeconds seconds. and stop there
    • emitting StageStartAnnounced
  • starting Voting period for votePeriodInSeconds seconds.
    • judge can vote for contestants
    • if judgeList was empty then anyone who pledged before can vote
    • anyone who pledged before can revoke own tokens with gradually increased penalty from 0 to revokeFee
  • starting Revoking period for revokePeriodInSeconds seconds.
    • anyone who pledged before can revoke own tokens with revokeFee penalty
  • Stage completed.(after any request with stageID).
    • emitting ContestWinnerAnnounced
    • if winners exists, then
      • reward winners
      • reward losers (if left smth from winners) they will get equally
    • if winners does not exists, then all who pledged will get equally
    • next stage will begin if current stage < stagesCount




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npm i @intercoin/contest

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  • artman325
  • gregmozart