Elemental Web Component Essentials with built-in adoptable styleSheets (including fallback), static template caching, and more...
@TODO: write better docs
import {Elemental} from "the/path/to/elemental";
export class MyComponent extends Elemental{
//set to true to apply shadowdom
static shadow = true;
Component will check for adopted stylesheets
and if not available will append a style tag to the root/shadowRoot.
optionally set static styles as a string
static styles = ':host{background:aliceblue}';
//or an object with options
static styles = {
// styles to adopt to each instance of this component
// (efficiently achieved with adoptedStyleSheets),
css: ':host{color:red}',
// async: true, // constructable style sheet option. async true uses replace else replaceSync
// you can force the usage of the style tag over adoptedStyleSheets
// useStyleTag: true,
// optionally include global styles that will be set once to the document head
global: 'x-element{visibility:hidden}',
//if using shadowRoot, some resets are included by default
//:host, *, *::before, *::after {box-sizing: border-box;}
//set this to true to disable using the resets
//noDefaultResets: true,
If your component is simple and doesn't update much, it might be more performant
to use a template instead of JSX, since a copy is cached and cloned per instance.
this is is a static value but dom may be updated manually in beforeInitialUpdate and after didMount.
or with propLogic
static template = '<h1 id="my_ref">hello elemental</h1><input id="checkbox" type="checkbox"/>';
(this makes sense if using a template and not vdom bacuse you can just pass a function to the ref prop)
to automatically proxy elements references,
set this to true or an options object to override defaults.
* keep your ref names camel or snake cased
when the component mounts, reference to the h1 tag above will be available on:
(in a case where you are completely wiping out the dom or updating nodes, you can call:
to pull new references)
static proxyRefs = {
//(default) likely there will be shadowDom so the default selector is set to get by id
selector: ref => `#${ref}`, // can change to something like (ref) => `[data-${ref}]`
selectorMethod: 'querySelector', // can change to something like querySelectorAll
define all your properties with types, optionally with a default value
and optional reflect property to reflect your props as attrs.
(if reflected:true)
When a prop is set, it will update the corresponding attribute to kabob-case version
in addition, properties on the class will be updated when attributes are set
(this is by default without setting the reflect option)
static propTypes = {
myStringProp: String,
myBooleanProp: Boolean,
myNumberProp: Number,
myObjectProp: Object,
myArrayProp: Array,
anyValueGoesProp: 'any',
toBeReflected: {
type: String,
reflect: true
toBeReflectedWithDefaultValue: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
value: true
checked: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
state should always be an object
use this.setState({someProp: 'newValue'})
or this.setState(({someNum})=>({someNum: someNum + 1})
setState will call the method onStateChange(){
then this.update then didUpdate()
if you override onStateChange, then you will need to manually call this.update
state = {
count: 0
// before didMount gets called
// (if using a template) this gets called after the template is applied, but before didMount and propLogic
//example handle click without jsx
handleClick = (e) => {
let c = this.refs.checkbox.checked;
this.checked = c;
this.emit('change', {checked: c});
didMount() {
// this.eventListener will automatically remove the event listener when the component unmounts
this.eventListener(this.refs.checkbox, 'click', this.handleClick);
// all subscriptions (like the event listener above) are pushed into this.unsubs.
//here is an example of doing the above manually
this.checkbox = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#checkbox");
this.checkbox.addEventListener("click", this.handleClick);
this.unlisten = () => this.checkbox.removeEventListener("click", this.handleClick);
// then either push it into unsubs
// or call unlisten inside willUnmount()
// this.unlisten();
onStateChange(state, changedPaths = ['nested.value']){ //array of values that have changed on the object
//if including this method, it will override calling update (thus wont call render, propLogic and didUpdate)
// so manually calling this.update() here may be necessary (must do so if using the render function with vdom)
// otherwise, omit this method and render will be called onChange
// called when props or state changes (unless onStateChange is overriden like above)
didUpdate(props = {}, prevProps = {}, changedProps = ['myStringProp', 'example']){
//****** using propLogic makes sense if using a template and you don't have a lot of changes happening.
// Make precise updates based on which prop changes
propLogic = (init)=>({ // initially runs after didMount (init===true) then is triggered for every update (init===false)
myStringProp: (value, refs) => {
if(init){ //upon didMount
refs.my_ref.textContent = value || 'default name'; //value is the value from the prop
// subsequent updates
// this both initializes and updates the checkbox when the prop changes
checked: (checked, {checkbox}) => checkbox.checked = checked
// if you'd like to use jsx / preact / lit-html
// you can hook into the render cycle here.
// this.render is called passing the following arguments
// (this.props, this.state, this.setState, this)
// results from render are passed here, including the shadowRoot (if available) or the host element
// as the second argument
renderer = (resultsFromRender, shadowRootOrHost /* this.shadowRoot || this */)=>{
// renderer provides an extra layer of control if you'd like to create
// an abstracted layer on top of elemental,
// thus, having the results from render here provides a prehook before
// anything actually gets rendered
//example with preact render
render(resultsFromRender, shadowRootOrHost)
render(props, state, setState, self /* self = this */){
return (
<h1 ref={r => this.my_ref = r} style={{color: 'red', fontSize: 50 /*no need for pixel vaue*/}}>
hello: {props.myStringProp}
<h2 style={{color: 'blue'}} className={'some className'}>
<button onClick={()=> state.count++}> inc count +</button>
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);