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1.0.7 • Public • Published

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Spuntare is a modal controller for React. It is a simple, easy-to-use, and powerful component for creating stacks of modals that can interact and communicate with each other. Spuntare is designed to work with any modal implementation, how modals interact is up to you.


  • Just a wrapper component, works with any existing modal
  • Optional enter and exit animations with Framer Motion
  • Single config source, instantiate modals with a hook any time you need

How to use

yarn add @ironeko/spuntare

Then wrap your app in the context provider:

import { SpuntareContextProvider } from '@ironeko/spuntare';

<SpuntareContextProvider>{/* Your app here */}</SpuntareContextProvider>;

Pass however many different types of modals you want to use to your configuration.

import { SpuntareContextProvider } from '@ironeko/spuntare';

    modal: {
      component: Modal,
    overlay: {
      component: Overlay,
  {/* Your app here */}

Then, somewhere else in your app you can instantiate a modal:

import { useSpuntare } from '@ironeko/spuntare';

const App = () => {
  const { create, removeLast } = useSpuntare();
  return (
      onClick={() =>
        create('modal', {
          title: 'Woah',
          description: <p>Your first modal!</p>,
          closeProps: {
            onClick: () => removeLast(),
      Open modal

The first argument to create is the name you assigned to your modal type in config, the second is whatever props your modal needs. It's not typechecked since we don't know what props your modal takes, so be careful!

Spuntare will also pass its own props to your modal, these can be used to apply styles depending on the modal state. Check the examples for more info.


Basic example

Shows how to:

  • Use multiple modal components configurations
  • Create nested modals
  • How to animate entry and exit with framer-motion

Form example

Shows how to:

  • Create a form within a modal
  • Share data between modals

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npm i @ironeko/spuntare

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  • creativiii