This Transformation Project contains several transformation examples that are used for data manipulation in Itential Automation Platform (IAP)
Name | Overview |
Aggregate Functions for Arrays - IAP | Run a set of mathematical aggregate functions on an array of numbers |
Allocate a Pair of Numbers - IAP | Find the first available consecutive pair of numbers from an array of already allocated integers given a starting integer and an ending integer |
Allocate One Number - IAP | Find the first available number from an array of already allocated integers given a starting integer and an ending integer |
Chunk Array - IAP | Split an array into a smaller sized groups given a desired chunk size |
Clear Empty Keys - IAP | Clear empty keys from a JSON |
Convert CSV to JSON - IAP | Convert CSV into JSON |
Convert String to Special Cases - IAP | Convert string to special cases including camelCase, PascalCase, kebab-case, and snake_case |
Filter Array of Objects by Key Value Pair - IAP | Filter array of objects by key value pair |
Generate Random Integer Within Range - IAP | Generate a random integer within a range |
Get Random Element From Array - IAP | Get a random element from array |
Get Value From JSON Pointer - IAP | Get a value from an object using JSON Pointer |
Group Records by Property - IAP | Group records by a property |
Implement Set Operations on Arrays - IAP | Implement set operations on 2 arrays including union, intersection, set difference and symmetric difference |
Parse Number - IAP | Convert strings and strings within objects to numbers |
Remove Duplicates From Array of Arrays or Objects - IAP | Remove duplicates from an array of objects or array of arrays |
Remove Duplicates From Array of Primitives - IAP | Remove duplicates from an array of primitives |
Remove Element From Array by Index - IAP | Remove an element from an array by index |
Remove Element From Array by Value - IAP | Remove an element from an array by a value |
Separate Array of Objects by Key Value Pair - IAP | Separate an array of objects by a key value pair |
Split String into Array by Regex or Separator - IAP | Split a string into an array by regex or another string |
Transpose Record by Creating Arrays for Each Property Within Groups - IAP | Transpose the record by creating arrays for each property within the groups |
No external dependencies required to run this Transformation Project.
No adapters required to run this Transformation Project.