
3.0.1 • Public • Published


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A package to handle JANIS Export APIs.

This package will provide an API, and two Listeners to quick config a generic EXPORT API in your Microservice.

When It's funcional the API will get documents from Entities in your Microservice, make .xlsx files and send email to the user who requested with the data recopiled.


npm install @janiscommerce/export

Breaking changes from version 3 ⚠️

Updated dependencies

Breaking changes from version 2 ⚠️

Lambda functions

Since 2.0.0

The following listeners were removed:

  • Created Listener
  • Processed Listener

Also, the files:

  • Events

API Session

Since 2.0.1

API Save upgraded to v5. API Session store validations replaced with loactions

For more information see API Save, API and API Session


In orden to be functional the Export API needs:

  • Model of Export and the Entities which wants to export
  • Create Controllers for those entities
  • Create a generic API Export (⚠️ since version 2.0.0 major changes - now it uses lambda functions)
  • Export process lambda function.
  • Configure Schemas, and Serverless functions
  • Configure .nycrc to avoid coverage leaks

ENV vars

Needs to be setup

  • JANIS_SERVICE_NAME, Service Name
  • JANIS_ENV, Environment

In order to use S3 Bucket.

💡 Do not forget to add the Enviroment Variables from lambda package.


  • First needs the ModelExport from the package, in path/to/root/[MS_PATH]/models/export.js


'use strict';

const { ModelExport } = require('@janiscommerce/export');

module.exports = ModelExport;

The Entities models must be in path/to/root/[MS_PATH]/models/[ENTITY].js. It are the same for list, get or save in your microservice.

  • MS_PATH : environment variable. Usually src.
  • ENTITY : entity name


'use strict';

const Model = require('@janiscommerce/model');

class CatModel extends Model {
	static get table() {
		return 'cats';

module.exports = CatModel;


The Entities Controllers for Export must be in path/to/root/[MS_PATH]/controllers/export/[ENTITY].js. It must extend from ControllerExport.

  • MS_PATH : environment variable. Usually src.
  • ENTITY : entity name


There are a few options to customize the exports.

  • getter pageLimit

    Returns { number }. Default 5000. It is the Pagination Limit to obtain documents from Database

  • getter fileLimit

    Returns { number} . Default 25000. It is the Document Limit to make the files.

  • getter fileUrlExpirationTime

    Returns { number} . Default 86400. It is the Expiration Time to be available to download. In Seconds, one day be default.

  • async format(item).

    Returns { Object }. Default item. Format Item Individually after getting from Database.

  • async formatByPage(items).

    Returns { [Object] }. Default items. Format Items by Page after getting from Database.

  • async formatByFile(items).

    Returns { [Object] }. Default items. Format Items before making the file.

  • formatFilters(filters).

    Returns { Object }. Default filters. Customize filters to get records from database

File Fields / Headers

By Default, Every field in the items getted will be include in the files as headers of each column.

But it can be changed by only one of these getters at a time:

  • getter fields

    Returns { [String] } . Default []. A List of fields to include in the File. It has high priority

  • getter excludeFields

    Returns { [String] } . Default []. A List of fields to exclude in the File. If fields has elements Its will be ignored


'use strict';

const { ControllerExport } = require('@janiscommerce/export');

class CatController extends ControllerExport {

	get pageLimit() {
		return 100; // Will get pages with 100 documents max

	get fileLimit() {
		return 1000000; // Will create files with 1 millon documents max

	get fileLimit() {
		return 1000000; // Will create files with 1 millon documents max

	get fileUrlExpirationTime() {
		return 3600; // Download will be available for 1 hour

	get excludeFields() {
		return ['name']; // Will try to exclude 'name' field, but because 'fields' method has elements it will be ignored

	async format(item) {
		return {...item, userProfile: this.session.profileId };

	async formatByPage(items) {
		return items.map(({ keywords, ...item}) => ({ ... item, keywords: keywords.toLowerCase() }));

	async formatByFile(items) {
		return items.map(item) => ({ ... item, status: 'alive' });

module.exports = CatController;


Only need to require ApiExport and export it.

'use strict';

const { ApiExport } = require('@janiscommerce/export');

module.exports = ApiExport;

Export process

In path/to/root/[MS_PATH]/lambda/ExportProcess/index.js.

Only need to require ExportProcess and extend your class, for basic use.


There are a few options to customize the exports.

  • async preProcess(exportDocument).

    Params: exportDocument, the export options. Method to do something before the export process starts, like Emit an event or saved in Database or Cache, some other validation.

  • async postProcess(exportDocumentSaved).

    Params: exportDocumentSaved, the export options. Method to do something after the export process was created and files are uploaded, like Emit an event or saved in Database or Cache, some other validation.

Export Document have the options which will be used to get the data:

  • entity, Entity name
  • filters, filters to be used
  • sortBy, fields to be sorted by
  • sortDirection, sort direction (asc or desc)
  • userCreated ID of User who request the export
  • userEmail User Email which will be used to send the data
  • dateCreated


'use strict';

const { Handler } = require('@janiscommerce/lambda');
const { ExportProcess } = require('@janiscommerce/export');
const EventEmitter = require('@janiscommerce/event-emitter');

class MyExportProcess extends ExportProcess {

	async preProcess({id, entity}) {
		return EventEmitter.emit({
			event: 'export-started'.

	async postProcess({id, entity}) {
		return EventEmitter.emit({
			event: 'export-finished'.

module.exports.handler = (...args) => Handler.handle(MyExportProcess, ...args);

Export serverless

In path/to/root/serverless.js add:

💡 It is important to send as a parameter the service name. For example: 'wms'

'use strict';

const { helper } = require('sls-helper'); // eslint-disable-line
const functions = require('./serverless/functions.json');
const { exportServerless } =  require('@janiscommerce/export');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		// other hooks

💡 Do not forget to add the IAM Statement Permissions.


In path/to/root/schemas/src/public/export add:


Create or update ./.nycrc to avoid coverage leaks:

	"exclude": [
		//... your files

⚠️ If exists any customization of the files, do not add the file to the .nyrcr and add the corresponding tests.


For Start Exporting data ApiExport received in the body:

  • entity: {string}, name of the entity
  • filters: {object}, object with name of the fields and its values as key/value.
  • sortBy: {string}, name of the field to sort by.
  • sortDirection: {'asc' | 'ASC' | 'desc' | 'DESC'}, direction of the sorting


	entity: 'cats'
	filters: {
		region: 'europe'
		gender: 'female'
	sortBy: 'color',
	sortDirection: 'desc'

Export Tools

Implementing several exports in services may lead to some code repetition. In order to avoid this repetition the package provides some usefull tools.


The get method should be redefined. You should get an array of ids from an specified field from the entity (using getIds for example) and then get the entitys from a model or using the Microservice-call package.

Sometimes it is useful to return an object in which the keys ar the ids and the values are the entities getted from model or from the microservice-call.


  • static getIds - return a list of ids from an entity.

  • static mapIdToEntity - Returns an object with attribute the id of the entity and the value the entity itself.


const { ExportHelper } = require('@janiscommerce/export');
const { MsCall } = require('@janiscommerce/microservice-call');

class AirlineHelper extends ExportHelper {

	get(items, session) {

		// important!! define this.items
		this.items = items;

		const airlinesIds = this.getIds('airlineId');

		if(!airlinesIds.length)// to avoid unneed requests
			return {};

		const msCall = session.getSessionInstance(MsCall);

		const { body, statusCode } = await microServiceCall.safeList('InternationalAirlines', 'airline', { filters: { id: airlinesIds } } );

		if(statusCode >= 400)
			return {};

		return this.mapIdToEntity(body)

module.exports = AirlineHelper;


Is an implementation of the Export Helper in which the microservice call to the service Id and the getIds selecting userCreated and userModified are already implemented.


  • static getUsers - return a object with entity data for userCerated and userModified. if fail request, return a empty object.

⚠️ It returns the users formatted in an object which keys are the ids and the values the user itself.


Some data is required to be formatted in a special way repetitively in every entity. The export package provides with a static format to help with the formatting.

  • static formatDate(date) - returns a string with the date formatted like: 'DD/MM/YY HH-MM'.
  • static formatUser(user) - returns a string with the user's full name and email formatted like: ' name - lastName - email'
  • static formatListBy(listIds, entities, field) - returns a string with the field value from the entity separated by commas. Only if the entity id is included in the listIds.

Example of a controller using all the tools:

const { ControllerExport, UserHelper, ExportFormatters } = require('@janiscommerce/export');
const { AirlineHelper } = require('../helpers/airline-helper');

class FligthController extends ControllerExport {

	async formatByPage(items) {

		await setAirlines(items);
		await setUsers(items);

		return items.map(flight => ({
			airline: this.airlines[flight.airlineId].name,
			aliance: this.airlines[flight.airlineId].aliance,
			userCreated: ExportFormatters.formatUser(this.users[flight.userCreated]),
			dateCreated: ExportFormatters.formatDate(flight.dateCreated)

	async setAirlines(items, session) {
		this.airlines = await AirlineHelper.get(items, session);

	async setUsers(items, session){
		this.users = await UserHelper.getUsers(items, session);

module.exports = FlightController;




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