Holidates allows you to get the holidays' names and date of any country and at any given year.
How to use
It is a very simple tool, you just have to write this command line to get the holidays of a certain country of the current year.
holidates myCountry
For example:
holidates Belgium
Will return:
Easter Sunday - 2021-04-04
Easter Monday - 2021-04-05
Labour Day - 2021-05-01
Ascension Day - 2021-05-13
Whit Monday - 2021-05-24
Belgian National Day - 2021-07-21
Assumption Day - 2021-08-15
All Saints' Day - 2021-11-01
Armistice Day - 2021-11-11
Christmas Day - 2021-12-25
If you want the holidays of a specific year, simply add it after the country:
holidates myCountry myYear
For example:
holidates Belgium 2004
Will return:
Easter Sunday - 2004-04-11
Easter Monday - 2004-04-12
Labour Day - 2004-05-01
Ascension Day - 2004-05-20
Whit Monday - 2004-05-31
Belgian National Day - 2004-07-21
Assumption Day - 2004-08-15
All Saints' Day - 2004-11-01
Armistice Day - 2004-11-11
Christmas Day - 2004-12-25