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EZindexDB & SynthEzIndexDB


EZindexDB is a class designed to simplify interactions with IndexedDB, providing a set of methods to perform various database operations. SynthEzIndexDB is a class that simulates interactions with IndexedDB using in-memory storage, which can be useful for testing purposes.



A class to simplify interactions with IndexedDB.


start(database, table, indexes)

  • Description: Initializes a connection to the database or creates it if it doesn't exist.
  • Parameters:
    • database (string): The name of the database.
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • indexes (Array): An array of index names to be created (optional).
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to true if successful.

creates(table, data)

  • Description: Adds a record to the database if it doesn't exist. Throws an error if the record already exists.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • data (Object): The data to be added.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to the key of the added record.

reads(table, id)

  • Description: Retrieves a record from the database by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • id (IDBValidKey): The ID of the record to retrieve.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to the retrieved record.

updates(table, data)

  • Description: Updates an existing record in the database. Throws an error if the record doesn't exist.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • data (Object): The data to update.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to the key of the updated record.

upserts(table, data)

  • Description: Inserts or updates a record in the database.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • data (Object): The data to insert or update.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to the key of the inserted or updated record.

deletes(table, id)

  • Description: Deletes a record from the database by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • id (IDBValidKey): The ID of the record to delete.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to true if the deletion was successful.

searches(table, field, value)

  • Description: Searches for records in the database by a specified field and value.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
    • field (string): The name of the field to search by.
    • value (any): The value to search for.
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to an array of matching records.


  • Description: Retrieves all records from a table.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to an array of all records.


  • Description: Counts the number of records in a table.
  • Parameters:
    • table (string): The name of the table (object store).
  • Returns: Promise - Resolves to the count of records.



A class to simulate interactions with IndexedDB using in-memory storage.


The methods for SynthEzIndexDB are similar to those of EZindexDB, but operate on in-memory storage. Refer to the methods listed under EZindexDB for their descriptions, parameters, and return values.


// Instantiate the DB
let ez = new EZindexDB();

// List any of the fields we might want to search on that aren't "id"
await ez.start("company","people",["name"]);

// Demonstration of adding people to our DB
await ez.creates("people",{"id": "1", "salary": 12, "name": "STEVE"});
await ez.creates("people",{"id": "2", "salary": 12, "name": "EDDY"});
await ez.creates("people",{"id": "3", "salary": 12, "name": "JOE"});
await ez.creates("people",{"id": "4", "salary": 13, "name": "JOE"});

// Find everybody named "JOE"
let data = await ez.searches("people","name", "JOE");

// Set Joe's Salary to 12_000
await ez.updates("people",{"id": "3", "salary": 12_000});

// Make sure we can't 'upsert' a record
await ez.updates("people",{"id": "newb", "salary": 12_000});  // this one fails




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  • justinwwolcott