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This package provides tools to integrate rxjs with react.


npm install @juwel-development/react-observable-tools


This package requires react and rxjs as peer dependencies. As we also rely on dependency injection, you need to have tsyringe installed.

Use cases

Dispatch events to a global event stream

We use tsyringe and register a global event stream. You can dispatch events to this stream from anywhere in your application.

import { GlobalEvent$, GlobalEventStreamToken, TEvent } from '@juwel-development/react-observable-tools';

class ApplicationStarted implements TEvent {
  public readonly type = 'APPLICATION_STARTED';

class EventDispatcher {
    @inject(GlobalEventStreamToken) private globalEvent$: GlobalEvent$
  ) {

  public applicationStarted() {
    const event = new ApplicationStarted();

Implement event handler that react to global events

You can decorate your event handler with the @EventHandler decorator. This way you can react to events that are dispatched to the global event stream.

import { EventHandler, IEventHandler } from '@juwel-development/react-observable-tools';

class ApplicationStartedEventHandler implements IEventHandler<ApplicationStarted> {
  public handle(event: ApplicationStarted) {
    console.log('Application started');

handle is called whenever an event of type APPLICATION_STARTED is dispatched to the global event stream. Make sure to import your event handler somewhere in your application, otherwise it is not discovered and will not be called.

Trigger side effects when the user interacts with your application

You can use the useAction hook to trigger side effects when the user interacts. Let's assume the user is clicking on a button, and you want to emit this event to some external classes.

import { useAction } from '@juwel-development/react-observable-tools';

const CounterButton: FunctionComponent = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatcher();
  const onClick$ = useAction(() => {
    dispatch({ type: 'COUNTER_INCREASE_COMMAND' });
  }, []);

  return <button onClick={() => onClick$.next()}>Increase</button>;

Render a React component only when needed

The advantage of using an Observable is, that you can bring the state to the components that are interested in it. This way you can emit new values everywhere in you application, but you only rerender the components that are interested in the these new values. You can avoid having state in parent components, instead you can use parse reference to your Observable and subscribe when needed.

import { useSubscription } from '@juwel-development/react-observable-tools';

interface IProps {
  counter$: Observable<number>;

const CounterValue: FunctionComponent<IProps> = ({ counter$ }) => {
  const currentNumber = useSubscription(counter$)

  return <div>{currentNumber}</div>;

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  • juwel-dev