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Author message:

see @kingjs/reflect.define-property


1.0.2 • Public • Published


Like Object.defineProperty but allows a richer description of properties which include new descriptor properties callback, extends, and lazy which can be modified by static and argument.


var assert = require('assert');
var defineProperty = require('@kingjs/property-descriptor.define');

// accessor expressed as lambda
var target = { field: 0 };
defineProperty(target, 'accessor', { 
  get: 'this.field' 
assert(target.accessor == 0);
target.field = 1;
assert(target.accessor == 1);

// lazy member function expressed as lambda
function Type() { this.field = 0 };
defineProperty(Type.prototype, 'func', { 
  function: true,
  value: 'this.field',
  lazy: true,
var instance = new Type();
assert(instance.func() == 0);
instance.field = 1;
assert(instance.func() == 0);

// static lazy accessor expressed as lambda 
Type.staticField = 0;
defineProperty(Type, 'accessor', { 
  get: 'this.staticField',
  lazy: true,
  static: true,
assert(Type.accessor == 0);
Type.staticField = 1;
assert(Type.accessor == 0);

// field defined via callback once `name` and `target` are known
var descriptor = { 
  callback: function(self, name, target) {
    self.value = `${}.${name}`
defineProperty(Type.prototype, 'foo', descriptor);
defineProperty(Type.prototype, 'bar', descriptor);
var instance = new Type();
assert( == '');
assert( == '');

// token resolver
var tokens = [ '?', 'x', 'y', 'z' ];
defineProperty(Type.prototype, 'letter', {
  lazy: true,
  writeOnce: true,
  argument: 0,
  get: o => token[o]
var instance = new Type();
assert(instance.letter = '?');

var instance = new Type();
instance.letter = 2;
assert(instance.letter = 'y');

// extend `Array` with function Any() expressed as a lambda
var Any = Symbol('any');
defineProperty(Object.prototype, Any, {
  extends: () => Array,
  value: 'this.length > 0',
assert([][Any]() == false);
assert.throws(() => ''[Any]());


define(target, name, descriptor)


  • target: The target on which the property will be defined.
  • name: The name of the property.
  • descriptor: A descriptor which supports these additional properties:
  • descriptor.function: Modifies value. Indicates value, if present, describes a function as opposed to a "field". If value is a string then it will be "lambdized".
  • descriptor.callback: Allows configuring the descriptor given name and target.
    • descriptor: A copy of the descriptor.
    • name: The name of the property.
    • target: The target on which the property will be defined.
    • Returns an updated descriptor.
  • descriptor.extends: A callback that returns a function representing the type being extended. If runtime this is not an instanceof the returned function, then the property will throw an exception. If present, then name must be a symbol and target must be Object.prototype.
    • Returns a function representing the type being extended.
  • descriptor.lazy: Caches the result of the property on the runtime this.
  • descriptor.writeOnce: Modifies lazy. Allows setting the property with a value that gets passed to the promise when resolved.
  • descriptor.argument: Modifies writeOnce. If no value is set, then argument is used as a default.
  • descriptor.static: Modifies lazy. Set when runtime this and target are the same object.


Return the target with a newly defined property.


  • Strings that appear where functions are expected, namely the properties get or set, or value when function is present, will be turned into functions.
  • Transforms are applied in the order: "lambdize" as described above, then callback, then extends, then lazy. Transforms are only applied for descriptors describing functions or accessors. Field descriptors undergo no transforms and the additional descriptor properties are ignored.


With npm installed, run

$ npm install @kingjs/property-descriptor.define








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