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The main goal of this package is to quickly setup basic form validation in your React projects


- A form validation hook
- An easily extendable set of validation rules
- A quick way to generate validation error message to show to your end-user

However, this lib does not include any React component, so you'll have to use yours

Table of content:


Install it with:

npm install @knfcz/react-form-validation


yarn add @knfcz/react-form-validation


Create a useFormValidation.js file in your project and initialize your custom hook

// hooks/useFormValidation.js
import { makeValidator } from '@knfcz/react-form-validation';
import translate from '../utils/translate'; // <- Some custom translation function

export default makeValidator({
    // This function will be called to generate validation error messages 
    // that will be displayed to the end-user
    getErrorMessage: (ruleName, errorMessageParameters) =>

There is currently one available option 👼

Option Type/Signature
options.getErrorMessage (ruleName: string, errorMessageParameters: object) => string Must return a validation error message to show to your end-users

Note: if you use @knfcz/translator, you can find some translation examples in the /translation-examples folder in this repo :^)


In your form component, create a validationRules object and specify your validation rules


// src/components/user/UserForm.jsx
import { rules } from '@knfcz/react-form-validation';

const validationRules = {
    firstName: [rules.required, rules.lengthBetween(2, 20)],
    lastName: [rules.required, rules.lengthBetween(2, 20)],
    email: [
        // You can pass additional options by giving an object {rule, ...options}
            rule: rules.isValidEmail,
            // Here you can specify another translation function
            getErrorMessage: (errorName, errorMessageParameters) => {
                // If the email is invalid, this function will be used to generate the error message
                return 'bruh';

// ...

Next, initialize your form state and use your custom validation hook:

// components/user/UserForm.jsx
import useFormValidation from '../../hooks/useFormValidation';

const validationRules = {
    /* ... */

const UserForm = props => {
    // 1 - Create your form state
    const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({
        firstName: 'Michel',
        lastName: 'Smith',
        email: 'supermichel@hotmail.com',

    // 2 - Use the hook to get the validation function and the current form errors
    const { formErrors, validateForm } = useFormValidation(

    // 3 - Call validateForm in your form submit handler
    const onSubmit = async event => {

        // Calling validateForm will update the form errors and return a boolean
        if (!validateForm()) {
            // Form validation failed

        // Form validation succeeded, yay

    // 4 - Finally, pass the values/errors/onChange callback to your inputs
    return (
        <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
                onChange={firstName =>
                    setFormValues({ ...formValues, firstName })

                onChange={lastName =>
                    setFormValues({ ...formValues, lastName })

                onChange={email => setFormValues({ ...formValues, email })}

Available validation rules

Rule Description
required Fails if the value is empty
lengthBetween(min, max) Fails if the value is too long/short
minLength(min) Fails if the value is too short
maxLength(max) Fails if the value is too long
match(regex, humanReadableFormat = '', errorName = 'match') Fails if the values doesn't match the given regex
validEmail Fails if the value is not a valid email
validPhoneNumber Fails if the value is not a valid phone number
validMobilePhoneNumber Fails if the value is not a valid mobile phone number
validLandlinePhoneNumber Fails if the value is not a valid landline phone number
validPostalCode Fails if the value is not a valid postal code
equals(targetValue, targetFieldName) Fails if the value is different from targetValue
numberBetween(min, max) Fails if the value is not between min and max
numberAbove(min) Fails if the value is less or equal to min
numberBelow(max) Fails if the value is greater or equal to max

Creating your own validation rules

Validation rules always get a value as a param and should return:

  • If the value is valid: false
  • If invalid: A tuple containing the error name and parameters (if any)
const atLeast6CharactersLong = value => {
    // You shoud always validate the value if it's empty, otherwise that will make the input required
    if (value === '') {
        return false;

    if (value.length >= 6) {
        return false;

    return ['atLeast6CharactersLong'];

If you want to pass additional parameters to your validation rule, just wrap it in a higher order function

const minLength = min => value => {
    if (value === '' || value.length >= min) {
        return false;

    return ['minLength', { min }];

// By using this method, you can easily make more specialized validation rules
const isValidArticleTitle = minLength(6);

These rules can be used like this

// src/components/kitten/ArticleForm.jsx

const validationRules = {
    title: [atLeast6CharactersLong],
    // or
    title: [minLength(6)],
    // or
    title: [isValidArticleTitle],

Some tips

One nice way to manage your validation rules is to centralize them somewhere in your project

// hooks/useFormValidation.js
import {
    rules as defaultRules,
} from '@knfcz/react-form-validation';

// ...

export const rules = {
    // User rules
    isValidFirstName: defaultRules.minLength(2),
    isValidLastName: defaultRules.minLength(2),
    isAgeValid: defaultRules.numberBetween(18, 99),

    // Article rules
    isValidArticleTitle: defaultRules.lengthBetween(6, 80),
    // ...

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  • knfcz