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1.0.0 • Public • Published


This library is intended to serve as a flexible form validator runtime. Yes, it's a reference to Wally Gator, just for fun =)


import { ValidationBuilder } from 'wallydator';

const source = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 16,
  hasParentsPermission: true, // good boy

> Wallydator.from(source)
  .field('name', (v) => v.isString().required().equals('John Doe'))
  .field('age', (v) => v.required().isNumber())
  .field('email', (v) => v.isString().required().email())
  .field('hasParentsPermission', (v) =>
      .requiredIf('age', (age) => age < 18)

null  // pass
> Wallydator.from({ fruits: ['apple', 'grapes', 'kiwi'] })
  .field('fruits', v => v
    .validateArray(array =>
      array.root(r => r.includes('pineapple')).build()

{ 'fruits': ['includes'] }  // error

Pro-tip: take a look at src/mocks/index.ts. You may run this mock by cloning this repo and running npm run dev.

Builder API

  • from
    • Creates a new instance of the validation builder
  • fromArray
    • Creates a new instance of the validation builder for an array of objects
  • field
    • Adds a new field to the validation process
  • build
    • Runs the validation process and returns an object of errors. If the validation passes, it will return null. Will throw NoSourceDefined error if the source is not defined (null | undefined)
  • for
    • Adds a new validation stage for each item in the array. It will pass an ValidationStage instance as an argument for the callback function, which means you may compose its argument with every function that returns ValidationStage, check the Validation API for a list of available methods
  • root
    • Adds a new validation stage to the root array validation process. It will pass an ArrayValidationStage instance as an argument for the callback function, which means you may compose its argument with every function that returns ArrayValidationStage, check the Array Root Validation API for a list of available methods

from (source): ObjectValidationBuilder


  • source Object - The object to be validateNested


ObjectValidationBuilder - A new object validation builder instance

fromArray (source): ArrayValidationBuilder


  • source any[] - The array to be validated


ArrayValidationBuilder - A new array validation builder instance

field (field, validatorFn): ObjectValidationBuilder


  • field string - The field name to be validated
  • validatorFn (validator: ValidationStage) => ValidationStage - The validation function to be applied to the field


ValidationBuilder - The same validation builder instance, but with the new field added to the validation process. Notice you may chain multiple field calls


Wallydator.from({ name: "John Doe", age: 18 })
  .field("name", (v) => v.isString().required())
  .field("age", (v) => v.isNumber().min(18))

build (): ValidationError | null


ValidationError | null - Object describing each error found during the validation process.


> Wallydator.from({ name: 'John Doe', age: 18 })
  .field('name', (v) => v.isString().required())
  .field('age', (v) => v.isNumber().min(18))

null  // pass
> Wallydator.fromArray([ { name: 'John Doe', age: 18 }, { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 16 } ])
  .for((item) =>
      .validateNested((builder) =>
          .field('name', (v) => v.isString().required())
          .field('age', (v) => v.isNumber().min(18))

{ '1.age': ['min'] }  // error on the second item

root (validationFn: ArrayValidationFunction): ArrayValidationBuilder


  • validatorFn (validator: ArrayValidationStage) => ArrayValidationStage - The validation function to be applied to the array root object (that is, the array itself, not its elements)


ArrayValidationBuilder - Array root validation instance


> Wallydator.fromArray([])
    .root(r => r.notEmptyArray())

// Notice that root validation errors will be displayed as '$root' if the source is an array, and as the field name if it's an object
{ $root: ['notEmptyArray'] }  // error on the root

for (validationFn: ValidationFunction): ArrayValidationBuilder


  • validatorFn (validator: ValidationStage) => ValidationStage - The validation function to be applied for every root element


ArrayValidationBuilder - Array root validation instance


> Wallydator.fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    .for((item) => item.isNumber().min(1).max(3))

{ '3': [ 'max' ], '4': [ 'max' ] }  // errors in the indexes 3 and 4

Validation API

Every method below will return either a ValidationStage or an ArrayValidationStage instance. The ValidationStage is used to validate single values, whereas the ArrayValidationStage is used to validate arrays. Please notice that every method, except required will return true if the targeted value is undefined: this is not a bug, but rather a feature that allows you to define validations for optional fields, so if you have to validate the presence of a field, use required method.

  • isString
    • Checks whether the value is a string
  • isNumber
    • Checks whether the value is a number
  • isBoolean
    • Checks whether the value is a boolean
  • isNumeric
    • Checks whether the value is a number or a data that can be converted to a number
  • isDate
    • Checks whether the value is a valid JS Date object
  • isObject
    • Checks whether the value is an object (excluding arrays and null values)
  • isArray
    • Checks whether the value is an array
  • required
    • Checks whether the value is not null or undefined or an empty string
  • requiredIf
    • Checks whether the value is required if a given condition is met. Optionally can receive a reference to parent object, which useful for nested validations where you need to take into account a parent object field value
  • equals
    • Checks whether the value is equal to a given value. It will perform a strict comparison (=== operator)
  • notEquals
    • Checks whether the value is not equal to a given value. It will perform a strict comparison (!== operator)
  • notEmptyObject
    • Checks whether the value is an object and it has at least one property
  • min
    • Checks whether the value is greater than or equal to a given value
  • max
    • Checks whether the value is less than or equal to a given value
  • length
    • Checks whether the value has a length equal to a given value
  • minLength
    • Checks whether the value has a length greater than or equal to a given value
  • maxLength
    • Checks whether the value has a length less than or equal to a given value
  • regex
    • Checks whether the value matches a given regular expression
  • email
    • Checks whether the value is a valid email address
  • custom
    • Allows you to define a custom validation function. The function must return a boolean value and return true if the validation passes
  • compareToField
    • Allows you to compare the value to another source field value. It will display the error as 'compareToField:${label}' if a label is found, otherwise 'compareToField:${field}'
  • validateNested
    • Allows you to validate nested objects. You may validate as many nest levels as you need. Works the same as from. In fact, both will pass an ObjectValidationBuilder instance as an argument for the callback function
  • validateArray
    • Allows you to validate arrays. Works the same as fromArray. In fact, both will pass an ArrayValidationBuilder instance as an argument for the callback function

Array root validation API

The methods below are meant to be used for the root array validation only. They will return an ArrayValidationStage instance.

  • notEmptyArray
    • Checks whether the value is an array and it has at least one element
  • includes
    • Checks whether the value includes a given value
  • includesAll
    • Checks whether the value includes all given values
  • every
    • Checks whether every element in the array passes a given validation
  • some
    • Checks whether at least one element in the array passes a given validation

isString (): ValidationStage

isNumber (): ValidationStage

isBoolean (): ValidationStage

isNumeric (): ValidationStage

isObject (): ValidationStage

isArray (): ValidationStage

isDate (): ValidationStage

required (): ValidationStage

requiredIf (field, callbackFn, base?): ValidationStage


  • field string - The field name to be checked
  • callbackFn (value: any) => boolean - The function that will be called to check whether the field is required. This function must return true if the field is required
  • base? ValidationBuilder - Base validation builder upon which the callbackFn will be run against

equals (equalsValue): ValidationStage


  • equalsValue any - The value to be compared against field value

notEquals (value): ValidationStage


  • value any - The value to be compared against field value

notEmptyObject (): ValidationStage

min (value): ValidationStage


  • value number - The minimum value

max (value): ValidationStage


  • value number - The maximum value

length (value): ValidationStage


  • value number - The expected length

minLength (minValue): ValidationStage


  • minValue number - The expected minimum length

maxLength (): ValidationStage


  • value number - The expected maximum value

regex (pattern): ValidationStage


  • pattern RegExp - The regex pattern to be tested against the field value

email (): ValidationStage

custom (callbackFn): ValidationStage


  • callbackFn (value: any) => boolean - The custom validation function. It must return true if the validation passes

compareToField (field, callbackFn, label?): ValidationStage


  • field string - The field name whose value will be compared against current field
  • callbackFn callbackFn: (val: any, [field]: any) => boolean - The function that will be called to compare the field values. It must return true if the validation passes
  • label? string - The label to display the error. Ex: for label = 'hasToBeGreatherThan' it will display the error as compareToField:hasToBeGreatherThan

validateNested (callbackFn): ValidationStage


  • callbackFn callbackFn: (builder: ObjectValidationBuilder, parent: ValidationBuilder) => ValidationError | null - The function that will be called to validate the nested object. It receives a new ObjectValidationBuilder instance and the parent ValidationBuilder instance

validateArray (callbackFn): ValidationStage


  • callbackFn callbackFn: (builder: ObjectValidationBuilder, parent: ValidationBuilder) => ValidationError | null - The function that will be called to validate the nested object. It receives a new ObjectValidationBuilder instance and the parent ValidationBuilder instance

notEmptyArray (): ArrayValidationStage

includes (value): ArrayValidationStage


  • value any - The value to be checked

includesAll (values): ArrayValidationStage


  • values any[] - The values to be checked

every (callbackFn): ArrayValidationStage


  • callbackFn (val: any) => boolean - The callback to be called for each element in the array. This should return true if the validation passes

some (callbackFn): ArrayValidationStage


  • callbackFn (val: any) => boolean - The callback to be called for each element in the array. This should return true if the validation passes


This project is open for contributions. Feel free to open an issue or a PR!

Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did creating it =)




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