Yet another photo viewer. Especially designed for manga reading.
It is completely canvas-based, aims to have native-like touching experience.
- Implement in canvas. Native-like touching experience.
- Reactive sizing. Suitable for all type of devices.
- Three viewing mode: left swipe, right swipe, vertical scrolling.
- Zero dependency.
- Demo - This is a basic demo showing a fullscreen Muso.
- Bilibili Manga - Please use mobile device to visit this page, otherwise it will redirect to the desktop version which is nothing to do with Muso. And this Muso is a little different from the one in the repo, some bugs are not fixed yet, and the animation is too fast if the refresh rate is > 60 fps.
Quick Start
import { Muso } from '@lancercomet/muso'
const myCanvas = document.querySelector('#my-canvas')
const muso = new Muso({...})
class Muso {
// Mount to target canvas element.
mount (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void
// Destroy muso instance.
destroy (): void
// Add an image to the end.
addImage (url: string): number
// Prepend an image to the front.
prependImage (url: string): number
// Remove an image at specific index.
removeImage (index: number): void
// Reload target index.
reload (index: number): void
// Pagination.
goPrevPage(): void
goNextPage(): void
goTargetPage(page: number): void
// Set scrolling mode.
setScrollingMode(mode: ScrollingMode): void
// Set flip direction in Horizontal scrolling mode.
setHorizontalDirection (direction: HorizontalDirection): Promise<void>
// Events.
on(eventName: EventType, callback: EventBusCallback): void
off(eventName: EventType, callback: EventBusCallback): void
constructor(option?: Partial<IMusoOption>)
interface IMusoOption {
* Enable auto resizing.
* @default true
autoResizing: boolean
* The background color of Muso.
* @default #222
stageColor: string
* The padding around every images.
* @default 0
stagePadding: number
* How many pixels should user swipe to trigger paging.
* @default 150
swipeDistanceOfPaging: number
* How many images to display at same time.
* @default 5
renderingImageCount: number
* The flip direction in Horizontal Scrolling Mode.
* @default HorizontalDirection.LTR
horizontalDirection: HorizontalDirection
* The max display width of the image.
* @default () => 0
maxWidth: () => number
* The min display width of the image.
* @default () => 0
minWidth: () => number
* The max display height of the image.
* @default () => 0
maxHeight: () => number
* The min display height of the image.
* @default () => 0
minHeight: () => number
* The image will scale to 1.0 if the current scale factor is less than this value.
* @default 1.3
restoreScaleRate: number
* The scrolling mode of Muso.
* Horizontal and Vertical.
* @default ScrollingMode.Horizontal
scrollingMode: ScrollingMode
* If true, built-in input will be unavailable (like touching).
* You can use the "swiper" object to manipulate Muso.
* @default false
noDefaultControl: boolean
* This function will be invoked before every single image was loaded.
* @default null
beforeImageLoad: (url: string) => Promise<string>
* The acceleration ratio in vertical scrolling mode.
* @default 1.35
vTouchMoveAcc: number
* The acceleration ratio for zooming.
* @default 1.05
zoomTouchMoveAcc: number
* The placeholder image.
* @default null
placeholder: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap
* Image loading timeout.
* @default 5000
imageTimeout: number
* The rendering alpha for non current page.
* @default 1
otherPageAlpha: () => number
enum ScrollingMode {
Horizontal = "horizontal",
Vertical = "vertical"
enum HorizontalDirection {
LTR = "ltr",
RTL = "rtl"
enum EventType {
EnterDuoTouch = "enter-double-touch",
ImageLoadingFailure = "image-loading-failure",
LeaveDuoTouch = "leave-double-touch",
MouseWheel = "mousewheel",
ScrollingMode = "scrolling-mode",
Swipe = "touch-swipe",
TouchStart = "touch-start",
TouchMove = "touch-move",
TouchEnd = "touch-end",
TouchMoveX = "touch-move-x",
TouchMoveY = "touch-move-y",
Paging = "paging",
Resize = "resize",
Zooming = "zooming",
ZoomCenterMove = "zoom-center-move"
Logo was generated by MidJourney.