
4.0.2 • Public • Published

Translations (@lefapps)

This package should be accompanied by @lefapps/translations-server to get the fulle experience.


Install from npm:

npm i @lefapps/translations

Import in your app:

import { Translator } from '@lefapps/translations'

Define a translator configuration:

const languages = ['nl', 'fr', 'en'] // you are free to decide how they look
const defaultLanguage = languages[0]
const translatorConfig = {
    typeof navigator !== 'undefined'
      ? (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).split('-')[0] || defaultLanguage
      : defaultLanguage,
  canEdit: () => true // must be a function

Wrap your app code:

const App = () => {
  return (
    <Translator {...translatorConfig}>
      // App code

Note: changing the language can be done by changing the language prop in the config.

Use the Translate Component:

import { Translate } from '@lefapps/translations'

const Content = page => {
  return <Translate _id={page} />

Access the raw translation string:

import { useRawTranslation } from '@lefapps/translations'

const Logo = ({ src }) => {
  const { translation } = useRawTranslation('menu/logo/alt')
  return <h1><img src={src} alt={translation} /></h1>

Include the languageSwitcher:

import { PickLanguage } from '@lefapps/translations'

const Header = () => {
  return (
      <h1>My Brand</h1>
        <ul />
        <PickLanguage />


Use the Translate component to fetch translations using a specific identifier.


Prop Type Required? Default Description
_id String "" Identifier of the translation (see guidelines)
md Bool false Formatted using MarkDown (html rendered using the markdown-it plugin)
tag String
span HTML tag to wrap the translation
className String "" Optional classnames for
params Object {} Replace text: {{key}} gets replaced by its value
autoHide Bool false Hide the component when the translation is empty
onInit Func null Callback when the component is initialised (before loading)
onLoad Func null Callback when the translation data is finished loading
children String
null Initial value while loading
language String [current] Force a different language to be loaded


We recommend to define your identifiers with the following schema:


This way you can easily group and organise them in your storage/database.


The following HTML attributes are automatically applied on the element:

.translation: always present
.translation__loading: present while fetching
.translation__md: present when markdown formatting is applied
.translation__error: present when an error occurred while loading
[data-translation]: the identifier

*The component is automatically subtly styled while loading.


Use the useRawTranslation hook to fetch translations as a string instead of React Component.


  1. To keep your code organised, only use useRawTranslation when necessary
    (e.g. for alt or title attributes — these do not accept React Components).
  2. The returned translation is the raw string. If the value contains MarkDown, you should take care of encoding it in your app.


Accepts one argument, the identifier: useRawTranslation(_id).


Key Type Description
loading Bool True while the translation is being fetched
error Object Populated with Apollo Error if something goes wrong
translation String Translation for the identifier in the currently active language
_id String Identifier of the translation
md Bool Whether the returned string contains MarkDown
params Array Available keys


Use this component to change language. it is automatically hidden when only one language is provided.


Prop Type Required? Default Description
children String
null Content to show as label of the dropdown
showTitle Bool false Show the current language


The following HTML attributes are automatically applied on the element:

"#language-picker": always present

No default styling is applied on this component.

The languages shown in the picker are Translate components with the following identifier: translator/{{language}}. Transalte them to your linking!


If you want to access certain dynamic fields from the translator, e.g. the current language, use the useTranslator hook.

import { useTranslator } from '@lefapps/translations'

const Page = () => {
  const { languages, setLanguage } = useTranslator()

  return (
      {languages.map(lang => {
        return <li key={lang} onClick={() => setLanguage(lang)}>

The same can be achieved with the HOC withTranslator:

import { withTranslator } from '@lefapps/translations'

const SetEnglish = withTranslator(({ language }) => {
  return (
      This is the current language: {language}
      <button onClick={() => setLanguage('en')}>
        Set current language to EN


These values can be retrieved from the hook/hoc:

Prop Type Description
language String Currently selected language
languages [String] All available languages
setLanguage Function(ln) Change current language to ln

Data Fetching

The transltions are fetched over the wire using GraphQl queries and mutations. When your app is using graphql already, you can easily integrate the queries. Use the companion package @lefapps/translations-server to implement the backend correctly.


When the canEdit config returns a non-falsy value, the translated text shows an editor to edit the translation in place after double clicking it. Note: this is merely a client-side optimisation, you should always authenticate and validate incoming requests server-side.

Otherwise you can build your own backend list to edit each translation. An example:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/react-hooks'
import { queries, Editor } from '@lefapps/translations'

const Translation = ({ _id }) => {
  const [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(false)
  const onClick = () => setOpen(!isOpen)

  const actions = { onClick }
  const name = _id.split('/')

  return (
    <li key={_id}>
      <h3 {...actions}>{name}</h3>
      <Editor _id={_id} toggle={toggle} isOpen={isOpen} alert={alert} />

const Translations = () => {
  const { data } = useQuery(queries.TRANSLATION_LIST)
  return (




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