Dynamo Scan
Calls the aws-sdk's scan at a given throttle and calls an iterator function in parallel (max == throttle).
The following environment variables must be set:
scan(attributes, limit, ExclusiveStartKey, callback);
Returns limit
number of rows from dynamo. If ExclusiveStartKey is set, it will start from that row.
var db = require('dynamo_scan');
db.scan('user_id', 5, null, function(err, items, LastEvaluatedKey)
scanAll(attributes, throttle, iterator, done);
The iterator
function will be called in parallel up to throttle
until all items have been iterated.
var db = require('dynamo_scan');
db.scanAll('user_id', 5, function iterator(rows, cb) {
}, function finished() {
console.log('done', arguments)