Soul Editor Kit
基于 MobileDoc-kit Based on MobileDoc-kit
Soul Editor Kit 是基于Mobiledoc Kit进行二次开发的一个Markdown富文本编辑器。 因为著名的Node开源CMS-Ghost使用了Mobiledoc kit进行文字编辑,但是在使用过程中发现无法很好的支持中文,因此阅读MobileDocs源码,并进行了相关修改和优化。 后续SoulEditorKit将基于MobileKit继续进行一些中文本地化事项,以及功能新增以及优化(新增功能将推送PullRequest给MobileDoc)
Soul Editor Kit is a richtext editor based on Mobiledoc kit. Because the ghost which is a famous content management system on nodejs is using the mobiledoc as content editor. But When I use the ghost, I found the editor can't support chinese very well, which exists some bugs that made me feel bad. So I read the source belong to MobileDoc, and do some optimization for chinese input And then, SoulEditorKit will go on doing some localization, and some new functions development. I will send some pull request to MobileDoc for new functions.
The useage of SoulEditorKit is same to MobileDoc, so if you want use it, you can visit follow path: