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0.8.9 • Public • Published

Live Search SDK

📚 JavaScript wrapper around the Adobe [Live Search API][graphql].


This project has been deprecated.

New features available in the Adobe Live Search API and Adobe Catalog Service API will not be propagated to the SDK.

The instructions below outline the steps to convert your requests from using the Live Search SDK to using the Live Search GraphQL API.

Replacing the Live Search SDK with Live Search GraphQL API:


SDK: Create a client

import MagentoLiveSearch from "@magento/search-sdk";

const search = new MagentoLiveSearch({
    environmentId: "beb38e17-2969-46bb-b294-e140ec60c212",
    websiteCode: "base",
    storeCode: "main_website_store",
    storeViewCode: "default",
    apiKey: "search_gql",

API: Initialize

const apiURL = "https://commerce.adobe.io/search/graphql";

const headers = {
    "Magento-Environment-Id": "beb38e17-2969-46bb-b294-e140ec60c212",
    "Magento-Website-Code": "base",
    "Magento-Store-Code": "main_website_store",
    "Magento-Store-View-Code": "default",
    "X-Api-Key": { your_api_key },

Set parameters

SDK: Pass in additional parameters

const params = {
    phrase: "yoga",
    filter: [{ attribute: "color", eq: "red" }],
    context: { customerGroup: "b6589fc6ab0dc82cf12099d1c2d40ab994e8410c" },

API: Pass in additional parameters

const phrase = "yoga";
const filter = [{ attribute: "color", eq: "red" }];
const context = { customerGroup: "b6589fc6ab0dc82cf12099d1c2d40ab994e8410c" };

Make request

SDK: Call products function


API: Make API call

import graphql from "./graphql";

const params = {
    phrase: phrase,
    page_size: 20,
    current_page: 1,
    sort: [],
    filter: filter,
    context: context,

const query = `
    query productSearch(
        $phrase: String!
        $page_size: Int
        $current_page: Int
        $filter: [SearchClauseInput!]
        $sort: [ProductSearchSortInput!]
        $context: QueryContextInput
    ) {
            phrase: $phrase
            page_size: $page_size
            current_page: $current_page
            filter: $filter
            sort: $sort
            context: $context
        ) {
            items {
                product {
                highlights {
            facets {
            page_info {

const response = await graphql.query<ProductSearchResponse>(

*For Facets, Highlights, PageInfo, and ProductInfo, refer to fragments

Table of Contents (Deprecated)

Installation (Deprecated)

This SDK can be loaded from a <script> tag or installed with a package manager.

CDN (Deprecated)

<script src="https://search-sdk.magento-ds.com/sdk.js"></script>

NPM (Deprecated)

npm install @magento/search-sdk

Usage (Deprecated)

Create a client

import MagentoLiveSearch from "@magento/search-sdk";

const search = new MagentoLiveSearch({
    environmentId: "beb38e17-2969-46bb-b294-e140ec60c212",
    websiteCode: "base",
    storeCode: "main_website_store",
    storeViewCode: "default",
    apiKey: "search_gql",
search.productSearch({ phrase: "yoga" });

API Reference (Deprecated)

Documentation on each of the methods exposed by the [Search SDK][npm].


Creates a search client for querying the [Live Search API][graphql].

Populate all fields with information specific to your [Magento account][magento] and storefront. The apiKey parameter should be hard coded to search_gql for now. More advanced API keys are coming soon.

Parameter Type Required Example
environmentId string beb38e17-2969-46bb-b294-e140ec60c212
websiteCode string base
storeCode string main_website_store
storeViewCode string default
apiKey string search_gql

Only retrieving what is needed for your search will improve performance time.


Best used on a search page to retrieve products and facets for filtering.

Parameter Type Required Default Example
phrase string yoga
page_size number 20 10
current_page int 1 2
filter [SearchClauseInput!] [] [{attribute: "color", eq: "red"}]
sort [ProductSearchSortInput!] [] [{attribute: "price", direction: "ASC"}]
context QueryContextInput [] {customerGroup: "b6589fc6ab0dc82cf12099d1c2d40ab994e8410c"}
data QueryData {products: true, facets: true, suggestions: false} {products: true, facets: true, suggestions: true}
    "extensions": {
        "request-id": "Y0g2lhSafEQfQx0Kt9ewCjHObG6yWF8r"
    "data": {
        "productSearch": {
            "total_count": 58,
            "items": [
                    "product": {
                        "__typename": "SimpleProduct",
                        "id": 47,
                        "uid": "47",
                        "name": "Yoga Adventure",
                        "sku": "240-LV06",
                        "description": null,
                        "short_description": null,
                        "attribute_set_id": null,
                        "meta_title": null,
                        "meta_keyword": null,
                        "meta_description": null,
                        "image": {
                            "url": "//master-7rqtwti-eragxvhtzr4am.us-4.magentosite.cloud/media/catalog/product/l/t/lt03.jpg",
                            "label": null,
                            "position": null,
                            "disabled": null
                        "small_image": null,
                        "thumbnail": null,
                        "new_from_date": null,
                        "new_to_date": null,
                        "created_at": null,
                        "updated_at": null,
                        "price_range": {
                            "minimum_price": {
                                "fixed_product_taxes": null,
                                "regular_price": {
                                    "value": null,
                                    "currency": "USD"
                                "final_price": {
                                    "value": 22,
                                    "currency": "USD"
                                "discount": null
                            "maximum_price": null
                        "gift_message_available": null,
                        "canonical_url": "//master-7rqtwti-eragxvhtzr4am.us-4.magentosite.cloud/yoga-adventure.html",
                        "media_gallery": null,
                        "custom_attributes": null
                    "highlights": [
                            "attribute": "name",
                            "value": "Yoga Adventure",
                            "matched_words": []
            "facets": [
                    "title": "Price zz",
                    "attribute": "price",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "32.0",
                            "id": "32.0",
                            "count": 5
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "29.0",
                            "id": "29.0",
                            "count": 4
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "45.0",
                            "id": "45.0",
                            "count": 4
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "0.0",
                            "id": "0.0",
                            "count": 3
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "24.0",
                            "id": "24.0",
                            "count": 3
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "39.0",
                            "id": "39.0",
                            "count": 3
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "19.0",
                            "id": "19.0",
                            "count": 2
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "28.0",
                            "id": "28.0",
                            "count": 2
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "38.4",
                            "id": "38.4",
                            "count": 2
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "42.0",
                            "id": "42.0",
                            "count": 2
                            "__typename": "StatsBucket",
                            "title": "",
                            "min": 0,
                            "max": 92
                    "title": "Color",
                    "attribute": "color",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Blue",
                            "id": "Blue",
                            "count": 22
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Black",
                            "id": "Black",
                            "count": 17
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Red",
                            "id": "Red",
                            "count": 13
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Green",
                            "id": "Green",
                            "count": 12
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Purple",
                            "id": "Purple",
                            "count": 11
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Gray",
                            "id": "Gray",
                            "count": 9
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Orange",
                            "id": "Orange",
                            "count": 8
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "White",
                            "id": "White",
                            "count": 6
                    "title": "Categories",
                    "attribute": "categories",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "collections",
                            "id": "collections",
                            "count": 41
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "collections/yoga-new",
                            "id": "collections/yoga-new",
                            "count": 32
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "women",
                            "id": "women",
                            "count": 23
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "gear",
                            "id": "gear",
                            "count": 20
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "women/tops-women",
                            "id": "women/tops-women",
                            "count": 17
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "promotions",
                            "id": "promotions",
                            "count": 15
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "men",
                            "id": "men",
                            "count": 11
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "men/bottoms-men",
                            "id": "men/bottoms-men",
                            "count": 11
                    "title": "Activity",
                    "attribute": "activity",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Gym",
                            "id": "Gym",
                            "count": 16
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Yoga",
                            "id": "Yoga",
                            "count": 15
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Athletic",
                            "id": "Athletic",
                            "count": 9
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Sports",
                            "id": "Sports",
                            "count": 6
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Recreation",
                            "id": "Recreation",
                            "count": 4
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "School",
                            "id": "School",
                            "count": 4
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Outdoor",
                            "id": "Outdoor",
                            "count": 3
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Travel",
                            "id": "Travel",
                            "count": 3
                    "title": "Material",
                    "attribute": "material",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Polyester",
                            "id": "Polyester",
                            "count": 23
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Nylon",
                            "id": "Nylon",
                            "count": 15
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Spandex",
                            "id": "Spandex",
                            "count": 13
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "CoolTech™",
                            "id": "CoolTech™",
                            "count": 9
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Cotton",
                            "id": "Cotton",
                            "count": 8
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Organic Cotton",
                            "id": "Organic Cotton",
                            "count": 8
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Rayon",
                            "id": "Rayon",
                            "count": 7
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "Wool",
                            "id": "Wool",
                            "count": 7
                    "title": "Size",
                    "attribute": "size",
                    "buckets": [
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "L",
                            "id": "L",
                            "count": 17
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "M",
                            "id": "M",
                            "count": 17
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "S",
                            "id": "S",
                            "count": 17
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "XL",
                            "id": "XL",
                            "count": 16
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "XS",
                            "id": "XS",
                            "count": 16
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "32",
                            "id": "32",
                            "count": 14
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "33",
                            "id": "33",
                            "count": 11
                            "__typename": "ScalarBucket",
                            "title": "34",
                            "id": "34",
                            "count": 11
            "suggestions": [
                "yoga adventure",
                "yoga bag",
                "yoga brick",
                "yoga companion kit"
            "related_terms": null,
            "page_info": {
                "current_page": 1,
                "page_size": 1,
                "total_pages": 58

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51.3 kB

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  • arjunathreya14
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