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2.0.7 • Public • Published

Process Log

A logging function for used to log steps of a process.

  • The ideal is to leave the logs in your code and enable or disable them as needed by changing the log property in your Log.start() call.
  • This is useful to quickly log the flow of a process when developing or debugging, and other developers can easily enable or disable the logs to see the process running.


  • Start and end new process logs with a name.
  • Easily enable or disable logging for a specific process.
  • Clearly logs steps of a process and logs the duration of the process.
  • Proces logs are colored for easy identification. The colors are randomly assigned per process, or you can set a specific color per process.


  npm i @maxpp/processlogger


  import { Log } from "@maxpp/processlogger";


Log.start({ name: "myProcess", log: true }); // Start the process by naming it and decide if it should log.
Log.log.myProcess("Message to log"); // Log a message within the process.
Log.end.myProcess(); // Stop the process and log the duration.


Log.start({ name: "myProcess", log: true }); // Start the process. Set log to false to disable logging.
Log.log.myProcess("Creating data source"); // Log a message
Log.log.myProcess("SUCCESS - Fetched data source template");
Log.log.myProcess("Parsed data source template");
Log.end.myProcess(); // End the process and log the duration

Example output

myProcess: Creating data source
myProcess: SUCCESS - Fetched data source template /process.ts:12
myProcess: SUCCESS - Fetched data set template /process.ts:12
myProcess: Parsed data source template /process.ts:12
myProcess: Parsed data set template /process.ts:12
----- END - MYPROCESSNAME - Completed in 1.46 seconds. -----

Example log output

This example shows the process logs of 5 processes that run in sequence. Each process is asigned a random color when it starts which makes it easier to distinguish the logs of each process.

  • updated_project_blocks (This operation logged in blue and completed in 0.062 seconds.)
  • created_project_validation (This operation logged in salmon and did not complete.)
  • update_project_queue (This operation logged in purple and did not complete.)
  • update_project_s3_files (This operation logged in fushia and completed in 0.954 seconds.)
  • get_content_from_s3 (This operation logged in green and completed in 0.494 seconds.)

Disable a process log

Set the log property to false to disable logging for a specific process. This way you can leave the logs in your code and enable them as needed.

Log.start({ name: "datasource", log: false }); // Set log to false to disable logging.

Set a specific color for a process

You can set a specific hex color for a process by passing a color property in the start method.

Log.start({ name: "datasource", log: true, color: "#2a9d8f" }); // Set a specific color for the process.

V2 Changes

  • The process name is now added after the .log or .end. Example: Log.log.myProcess("Message to log"); or Log.end.myProcess();
  • The function can now be imported with Log instead of ProcessLog.
  • The log messages now display the file and line number where the log was called.
  • Optional color property to set a specific color for a process.

Recommended use

  • Add clear operation logs for each of your processes and leave them in your code.
  • Once implemented, disabled the operation logs by setting the log property to false.
  • During development or debugging, other team members can easily enable the logs to immediately see the process runnign and identify any issues.


  • chalk - For colored console output.

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  • maxpp