TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.1.0 • Public • Published

rocket-rounding-types (^0.7)

This node package is our Rocket Rounding SDK that includes common types, helper functions, permissions workflows, and a way to access the rocket-rounding-cf endpoints through the HttpHelper


Setup for publishing / working locally

  1. npm install
  2. npm login 2.a. You may have to run sudo for the following commands 2.b. Authenticate through npmjs if you're not already

Working locally

Each of our projects are node projects. This means that you can link node modules locally. This can be used to test changes to Commons / Types (rocket-rounding-types) locally before deploying as @moomoomamoo/rocket-rounding-types is a dependency for all of our applications.

Temporarily link package to project (using rocket-rounding as an example of a project)

  1. npm run link-types for rocket-rounding-types (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding-types project)
  2. npm run link-types for rocket-rounding (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding project)
  3. npm run build for rocket-rounding-types (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding-types project) when changes are made that need to be reflected on rocket-rounding
  4. You may have to run step 1/2 again depending on if the npm packages have updated, etc
  5. Run npm install @moomoomamoo/rocket-rounding-types for rocket-rounding (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding project) to relink to the latest published version of rocket-rounding-types when you are done

Unlink package to project (using rocket-rounding as an example of a project) 1.a. npm run unlink-types for rocket-rounding (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding project) or 1.b. npm run unlink-types for rocket-rounding-types (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding-types project). Note that can lead to issues with VS Code getting confused about if the directory still exists or not for any projects involved

Publish new package version

  1. Make sure the version number for rocket-rounding-types is increased (this can be changed in package.json) // major.minor.patch (0.6.15)
  2. npm run publish-types for rocket-rounding-types (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding-types project)

Installing to project (Using rocket-rounding as an example of a project) 2. run npm install @moomoomamoo/rocket-rounding-types@^0.6 for rocket-rounding (in the terminal where the directory is the rocket-rounding project)


Typically all of our projects have a develop/staging git branch for the staging environment of the application. You could run npm install @moomooamoo/rocket-rounding-types@<version>


Typically all of our projects have a master git branch for the production environment of the application. Typically any updates needed for getting a newer version of rocket-rounding-types as a dependency would naturally get merged once the develop/staging branch gets merged into master.




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